Blank Media Printing Says CD-R and DVD-R Still the Chosen Media for Archiving

Disc is Not Dead!
Blank Media Printing

Blank Media Printing has seen a rise in the demand for such discs. Today, there is a misconception that 'Disc is Dead' primarily due to the 'cloud' and streaming services alike. However, companies that are in the medical imaging arena as well as law enforcement and the legal profession still need to make physical back-ups of their data.

While the 'cloud' is convenient, it is by no means the be all and end all to file storage, especially when dealing with critical data. Law enforcement and the like record hours upon hours of interviews, which are either video or audio recorded, that can be later used in court or future research. These need to be stored on some form of media which can easily be labeled, and or serialized – either numerically or the use of a unique barcode.

Having these discs custom printed allows another layer of security as they become easily identifiable and include some form of warning about the contents etc. Literally, tens of thousands of discs are used each day by law enforcement and lawyers because the disc media is the easiest forms of media to use.

Tony Jeffries, President, Blank Media Printing

This information cannot easily be utilized with the 'cloud' or other forms of media. The disc is really the only proven technology that allows, encryption, password protection, a surface of the media that can be directly written on along with a pre-printed coding system of that agencies format.

"Having these discs custom printed allows another layer of security as they become easily identifiable and include some form of warning about the contents etc. Literally, tens of thousands of discs are used each day by law enforcement and lawyers because the disc media is the easiest forms of media to use" says Tony Jeffries, president of Blank Media Printing. Blank Media Printing is one of the nation's leading custom CD, DVD, & Blu-Ray disc printers confirm that disc is not dead - It is ALIVE and kicking strong - you just need to look beyond the audio and video use of the disc in the consumer arena.

Custom printed CD-Rs can be purchased for as little as $0.30 each or for the archival grade as little as $0.41 each. If we put that into the cost per MegaByte it is only $0.00043 per megabyte or $0.000585 per megabyte for archival media. A small price to pay for such a powerful and useful storage media.

Media Contact:
Tony Jeffries
Tel: 407 545 2267

Source: Blank Media Printing

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About BlankMediaPrinting

Custom CD, DVD, BD-R disc printer specializing is high quality digitally printed discs offer a wide range of options including variable data / serialization. Founded in 2010 BlankMediaPrinting has become one of the nations leading disc printers.

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