Bishop Rick Wallace Releases His New Book: The Invisible Father: Reversing The Curse Of A Fatherless Geneeration

Bishop Wallace addresses the epidemic of absentee fathers in America from a biblical perspective. He offers practical, but powerful advice on how to confront this devastating plague that has come down on an entire Generation.

This is what Bishop Rick Wallace had to say about the release of his new book: The Invisible Father: Reversing the Curse of a Fatherless Generation: "Over the past 30 years this nation has witnessed a falling away in mammoth proportions. This falling away has been gradual but the repercussions have reverberated throughout the corridors of society and have rendered generation after generation progressively helpless and useless as it pertains to fulfilling their God ordained destinies. This falling away that I speak of is the falling away of men from their God ordained roles. Men that have been ordained by God to be leaders, protectors, coverings, and more have found it acceptable to procreate and then abandon their progeny.

Men have found it to be an acceptable course of action to submerse themselves in their selfish ambitions without the slightest hint as to the negative ramifications of their erroneous behavior. We are sitting dead in the middle of one of the worse scourges to befall the human race in recent history. I call this scourge IFS (The Invisible Father Syndrome). We are rapidly approaching a time when a visible father will be an anomaly rather than a normality. The Bible tells us that a man that does not honor his filial responsibilities is worse than an unbeliever. This speaks of more than financial support and touches the impactful issue of presence and connectivity.

Having dealt with this issue first hand; I was compelled to address the issue from a biblical perspective. The Invisible Father is a compilation of personal experience and biblical knowledge infused with the revelatory power of the Holy Spirit. I pray that this book will impact, empower, and encourage an entire generation that change is not only possible, but it is absolutely necessary."

Bishop Wallace is a gifted writer, competent theologian, and passionate speaker that has taken on one of the most devastating forces of the current time; absentee fatherhood. Bishop Wallace calls this epidemic IFS (The Invisible Father Syndrome). He believes that if this epidemic is not reversed that this nation will continue its moral decline into complete antinomianism. This book is a must read for all believers as well as anyone concerned about the epidemic that has crippled an entire generation. The book can be purchased at

About Rick Wallace Ministries

Rick Wallace Ministries
2212 N. Fitzhugh Unit 9
Dallas, TX
