Binary Option Industry Update & Outlook

The Binary Options industry finished 2012 on a high note and 2013 is shaping up to be an even better year.

Each month 10,000 new traders join the newest and fastest growing segment of the financial industry of Binary Option trading.

Going back a short 3 years to 2010 binary option was an industry exclusive to institutional investors with rarely a retail investor having the opportunity to use the binary option tool as a hedge to his portfolio.

At the beginning of 2012 with the opening of multiple platforms directed to the retail investor the industry started growing at double digits rates. There are over 10 binary option platforms now available to traders. With the likes of AnyOption & Banc De Binary among the largest brokers.

A search in Google trends will show interest in Binary Options has grown from 10K searches to well over 100K currently. The highest interest in still among traders in Australia, United Kingdom and South Africa.

Traders used binary options mostly on forex products like the EUR/USD and the AUD/USD but with 2013 comes a whole new wave of new options listing on individual stocks like Facebook, Cisco, Microsoft & Google.

Heavy trading volume was seen in the commodity markets like oil & gold during 2012 which saw the gold market being extremely volatile.

Regulation of binary options is still in its early stages and will probably see consolidation as the popularity of binary option trading continues to grow.

In the mean time, the Binary Option Exchange (BinaryEX) is positioning itself as a go to resource for new traders education and an information center. BinaryEX is working with binary brokers and binary platforms to become the central clearing house from trade activity and volume.

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