Big Men Take Their Best Shot to Model the Large Men's Clothing Line by Bulky Boy

Bulky Boy Clothing Company is in search of a model for it's edgy brand that appeals to a specific demographic and conveys a certain attitude that can't typically be found in modeling agencies.

Bulky Boy Clothing Company is in search of a model for it's edgy brand that appeals to a specific demographic and conveys a certain attitude that can't typically be found in modeling agencies. So the company launched a Facebook Photo Contest to find real life guys that reflected what the brand is about.

The company has gotten over 200 photo entries and have compiled some of the funniest, most outrageous, and entertaining of the bunch in a video. The video is up on YouTube and can be seen on the following link:

Voting for fan favorites begins today on the Bulky Boy Fan Page at

"We want to hear what our Fans think about the brand and who they think best represents Bulky Boy, so we are having our Facebook Fans vote for their favorites, " says Bulky Boy President, Kit Kantner.

In addition, the company is offering all contest entrants a discount for online orders. The discount amount goes up as more people enter the contest. Entrants are notified by email of the discount amount and the discount code.

Bulky Boy Clothing Company not only makes clothes for large men, it makes clothes for men who live large. The company is known for it's distinctive icon that is featured in all of its designs. The Bulky Boy icon, with its bald head, strong jaw and featured neck roll, conveys strength, confidence and an attitude that appeals to men who take pride in being big.

Not all Bulky Boy customers are NFL Linebackers, Strongman Competitors, Weight Lifters, or MMA Fighters, but many are. The company offers a premium, casual clothing line with shirt sizes up to 6XL and sizes up to a 56 waist. " We sell a lot of 3XL and 4XL sized shirts but our typical customer is not overweight. A lot of these guys work hard at bulking up and are proud of their size," stated Kantner.

The Facebook Photo Contest is designed to attract men from the target market with Facebook ads directed at interests typical of the Bulky Boy customer; Football, Wresting, Rugby, Weightlifting, Strongman Competitions, etc.

An independent marketing agency, WSI Edge Marketing, will tally all the votes, summarize comments and help the management team at Bulky Boy select the lucky winner. The Bulky Boy Photo Contest winner will receive free Bulky Boy Clothing and will be featured on the Bulky Boy website and blog.

Bulky Boy invites anyone to enter the contest the Bulky Boy Clothing Company Facebook Fan Page.