Beyond Copenhagen: Adventure Tour Operators Adapt in Face of Climate Change

Climate Change Sparks Adaptation Strategies for Companies in the Adventure Tourism Sector

Xola Consulting recently released the report "Adventure Tourism Companies & Climate Change." The report takes field observations from tour operators in polar, mountain, and tropical regions and suggests further adaptation strategies to combat the effects of climate change. With international media buzzing on the topic, as a result of the UN Climate Change Conference 2009 (COP15) in Copenhagen, this report provides valuable research and actionable solutions for some of the first to be affected by climate change: adventure traveler operators.

Since adventure tour operators have a high degree of dependence on pristine and robust natural surroundings, even more so in many cases than conventional tourism, the report surmises that these companies are feeling the effects of climate change first. Three tour operators-in the polar, mountain, and tropical biomes-who are already experiencing effects and making changes in their business operations are examined in the report.

Imperative For Change Most Felt in Mountain Regions

Regions studied in this report are experiencing increasing temperatures and are taking steps to mitigate the effects of climate change, but the mountain regions are feeling the most pressing imperative for adaptation. Water scarcity caused by shifting vegetation patterns leads to a decline in the soil retention capacity, and operators must deal with the changes in their natural resource.

What Can Be Done to Mitigate and Adapt?

Although solutions differ among tour operators, key elements emerge: education, planning and preparation for the effects of climate change; itinerary changes to suit the changing climate; and reduction of emissions should be a topic of discussion among business in the adventure travel industry.

The report contains specific recommendations for strategizing, making operational changes, and marketing offerings, as well as a framework for addressing and adapting to the impacts of climate change.

To take a look at the broad applications for adaptation within the adventure tourism sector, download the free report here: