Best Workplaces for Commuters Announces First Three Canadian Workplaces

BWC Canada

The City of Toronto, Yorkdale Shopping Centre, and York University are the first three workplaces in Canada to be recognized by Best Workplaces for Commuters for offering exceptional employee commuter benefits. 

This is the first year that the designation has been offered to Canadian companies. The City of Toronto, Yorkdale Shopping Centre, and York University are among a select group of workplaces in North America that have achieved the Best Workplaces for Commuters Standard of Excellence by providing exceptional commuter benefits. 

Register today to attend the free webinar on September 28, 2023, at 3 p.m. ET, which will include presentations and a roundtable discussion from these three new Best Workplaces for Commuters.

The City of Toronto has been recognized as Canada's first Best Workplace for Commuters. They offer their employees several commuter benefits, such as:

  • Remote work
  • Emergency Ride Home program 
  • Healthy initiatives to encourage cycling and walking via the Smart Commute program

Yorkdale Shopping Centre has been recognized as Canada's first Best Site for Commuters, offering their employees and tenants several commuter benefits, such as:

  • Wayfinding management system
  • 100+ bicycle parking spaces including an indoor bike storage room
  • Enhanced access to transit, including TTC, GO, and YRT connections

York University has been recognized as Canada's first Best University for Commuters, offering employees and students several commuter benefits, such as:

  • Student shuttle between Keele and Glendon campuses 
  • Carpool ride matching 
  • Electric vehicle charging 

"The City of Toronto, Yorkdale Shopping Centre, and York University are leaders in sustainable commuting, offering high-level commuter benefits to their employees," said Julie Bond, BWC Program Director, Best Workplaces for Commuters. "We are thrilled to have these innovative Canadian workplaces join the over 600 organizations designated as Best Workplaces for Commuters in the United States." 

"Being nationally recognized as Canada's first Best Workplaces for Commuters signals how truly serious these organizations are about their employees and their environmental stewardship. We hope that other workplaces across Canada who also invest in employee commuting will join the City of Toronto, Yorkdale Shopping Centre, and York University in becoming Best Workplaces for Commuters," said Kelly Bray, Associate Director, BWC at pointA. 

Best Workplaces for Commuters is the national authority on recognizing and assisting workplaces that provide exceptional commuter benefits to employees. More than a recognition program, the Best Workplaces for Commuters program provides support needed to create and sustain an employer-provided commuter benefit program. The Best Workplaces for Commuters program in Canada is delivered by pointA.

Beginning as the first transportation management association in Ontario, over the past 20 years pointA has been a leader in customized commute solutions. Our goal is to connect people to the places they want to go, using transportation options that benefit the environment, the economy, and the well-being of our communities. In collaboration with our funders, members and partners, we facilitate transportation demand management programs and advocate for sustainable transportation.

Source: Best Workplaces for Commuters