Benovate Launches New Employee Satisfaction Insights Within Wellness Platform

The Living Growth Assessment expands on Benovate's wellness engagement platform to support a healthy workplace culture.

Employee Engagement + Workplace Wellbeing

A staggering 51% of employees in the United States are searching for new jobs (Gallup, 2016). The modern workforce is ever-changing, and culture and engagement are key drivers in keeping and retaining top performers. Does an employer know how satisfied and engaged their employees truly are at any given time? If so, what do they do about it? Benovate, a nationally recognized health technology startup, recently released their Living Growth Assessment to help organizations zero in on what factors are impacting their employee satisfaction and performance through real-time data.

Combined with Benovate's patented wellness engagement platform and Living Health Risk Assessment, organizations are now able to gain unique insights across both health and employee satisfaction. By utilizing Benovate, employees are able to answer questions, connect health trackers and integrate biometric data, all of which inform what content and programming an employee will see. Every employee gets their own unique program, based on their needs and interests. Work has an enormous impact on an employee's health, from stress and burnout to environment and resources. Overall, health also affects an employee’s ability to engage in their work. Bringing work insights into Benovate’s existing wellness platform deepens the impact of the program because of the ability to guide an employee through both synonymously, as well as enhancing the wealth of easy-to-access aggregate data to the employer within their Admin Dashboard.   

At Benovate, we believe that consistent and regular micro-assessments are key to making each individual employee experience as beneficial and impactful as possible.

Katherine Rowe, Lead Content & Program Specialist

The first step in changing workplace engagement is understanding what leads to indifference. Burnout and culture are high-level indicators, but diving deeper into key measurements such as work expectations, growth opportunities, and work environment help get to the root cause of disengagement, help predict turnover rate, and indicate related health risks. These factors are continuously changing, so checking in with employees on a regular basis allows for real-time feedback and intervention before an employee becomes complacent or leaves an organization, or before a catastrophic health event occurs. “At Benovate, we believe that consistent and regular micro-assessments are key to making each individual employee experience as beneficial and impactful as possible,” notes Katherine Rowe, Lead Content Specialist at Benovate.

Data collection is only one piece of the puzzle. Understanding what is happening within a workforce is only as valuable as the action that is taken from that data. Benovate’s Living Growth Assessment is embedded with weekly pulse questions to support answers to longer-term work questions. Combining this with answers about health, relationships and finances give Benovate the ability to fine tune programming, and target content activities that are truly going to make an impact on an employee’s health and work engagement. Content adapts to each individual based on their immediate needs for improving their lifestyle for better health and work engagement. Organizations can use real-time aggregate data to make cultural changes in specific areas most impacting their workforce. Combining intrinsic change with organizational and management support lends itself to a higher rate of successful engagement.

Businesses in the top quartile for engagement see a 21% higher profitability and 41% lower absenteeism (Gallup, 2016), not to mention a healthier workforce. Benovate is leading the way by embedding employee satisfaction within a wellness technology. This innovative solution opens the doors to new employee insights that can change the way organizations look at employee engagement, and helps guide them in what they should do about it. Information and solutions for health and employee satisfaction no longer need to be siloed, making it easier for employees to participate and make changes in their everyday lives that will impact their own health and their organization's culture simultaneously.  

Benovate is based in Minneapolis, MN, working with clients nationally on their employee health engagement needs. The workplace wellness program is administered through a digital, interactive platform, enabling organizations to reduce workplace stress, boost morale, increase productivity and alter workplace culture for the better, changing the way employees think about health. When employees learn to make healthy choices on a regular basis, they are empowered to accomplish more.


  • Americans are rarely engaged in their work, and more than half are looking for new employment (Gallup, 2016).
  • Benovate embeds real-time employee satisfaction insights into to their health engagement platform, bringing a new, rarely integrated solution to market.
  • Growth opportunities, pay/benefits, management, and company culture are among the top reasons for employee turnover. The new Benovate Living Growth Assessment adapts to employee concerns to improve engagement.

Media Contact: 
Michael M. Birdman, President & CEO 
Phone: 877-236-6828
Media Email:

Source: Benovate

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