Beez Announces Free GraphOps Solution for Neo4j Users

Natural Language Querying Now Offered Free

Beez, a next-generation data analytics and data solutions company, in conjunction with Neo4j's GraphConnect 2022, announces the availability of BEEZexplorer. BEEZexplorer is a database query and Natural Language Processing (NLP) tool offered as a free solution. The purpose-built software simplifies the building of Cypher queries and incorporates NLP to enable sharing of sophisticated graph analytics across any organization.

Like DataOps, GraphOps is a set of practices, workflows, and architectural patterns that enable innovation and delivery of insights. GraphOps practices improve data quality, increase collaboration, and improve graph analytics monitoring and transparency.  

"Beez is the leader in GraphOps. Our goal is to make the power of graph accessible to the enterprise. Our suite of tools addresses adoption and scalability inhibitors frequently encountered in deployments of graph databases. We also want to make graph analytics consumable by anyone, including those with little or no experience with the technology," said Steve Stone, COO of Beez. "Our team has been in the trenches for over a decade evangelizing the power of graph. We want to help companies achieve their graph vision by providing free access to great tools like BEEZexplorer."

BEEZexplorer's free version is browser-based and provides Neo4j users, including Community Edition users, a simplified interface to build Cypher queries. BEEZexplorer allows users to convert their Cypher queries to natural language and embedded parameters to simplify access for analytic consumers. For example, a user could input "Show me all customers with an invoice greater than $100." BEEZexplorer's type ahead processing searches the catalog of available queries and guides users to the relevant queries. The free version will be available in early July. Users can learn more about BEEZexplorer and sign up for the waitlist by visiting:

A premium version of the BEEZexplorer tool will be available in the Fall of 2022. Beez is also planning to release free versions of BEEZmodel, BEEZconnect, and BEEZreplica. BEEZmodel allows Neo4j users to create models from scratch or by importing existing data schemas. BEEZconnect enables users to connect, map, and ingest data into a Neo4j database. BEEZreplica allows users to easily create and use mock/test data sets in minutes.

About Beez

Beez is a leading data analytics and data solutions company. The former company, FactGem, rebranded to Beez in 2021 with a new team focused on enabling organizations to unlock value in their data through innovative solutions. Beez is led by CEO and founder Megan Kvamme, along with COO Steve Stone, the former CIO of two Fortune 100 companies. Beez offers a set of solutions that instantly connects data according to the business rules created in a visual model builder, simplifies analytics, and easily plugs into an existing organization's data infrastructure. 

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CONTACT: Tim Fulton

Source: Beez