Bay Event Marketing Embraces the Fourth Quarter

The Bay Event Marketing team understands the importance of the holiday season to most businesses. The firm's associates are prepared for a record-breaking fourth quarter for all involved.

“The final months of the year are absolutely crucial for business success, but there’s no need to panic if you’ve been planning for them all along,” said Elise, Bay Event Marketing’s director of operations. “We’ve had clearly defined goals and short-term milestones in place since the start of 2015. As the months passed, my colleagues and I regularly checked on our progress and made changes as needed. These efforts ensured forward momentum, and they’re far more effective than simply hoping for the best.”

Elise indicated that the team’s objectives largely pertain to the growth of the brands its serves, but she also pointed out the presence of other expectations as well. Bay Event Marketing associates set goals in areas such as loss prevention, customer satisfaction, and professional development. In fact, team member training is a hot topic, and one the firm’s leaders take quite seriously.

"All our new hires are paired with experienced managers on an individual basis,"

Elise , Director of Operations

“All our new hires are paired with experienced managers on an individual basis,” Elise stated. “These coaches guide them through our training program, which is quite intensive. This system allows for the full support of all our people, so they can learn in ways that work for them. It makes them more confident, motivated, and productive. Of course, we also encourage learning beyond that initial training. We enjoy conferences, seminars, retreats, and other functions throughout the year.”

Director of Bay Event Marketing Highlights Effective Fourth-Quarter Strategies

“As I mentioned, the final three months of the year are critical for businesses,” Elise continued. “It’s largely due to the holiday season. It’s such a busy time that I think many business leaders quickly get overwhelmed and lose sight of their strategies – if they managed to put any in place at all. It’s certainly never too late to start, though, and I have some helpful suggestions.”

In addition to putting sound goals in place, Elise recommended the careful monitoring of communication. This does not pertain to any sort of infringement – instead, it refers to the encouragement of frequent meetings and discussions surrounding policies and procedures. Such interactions ensure that team members feel supported and comfortable in their roles.

“I definitely recommend that company leaders also do whatever they can to differentiate their brands from the competition,” Elise concluded. “The idea is to be memorable. Here at Bay Event Marketing, we’re always coming up with exciting ways to stand apart from the rest, and our efforts haven’t failed us yet.”

About Bay Event Marketing

Bay Event Marketing is an interactive marketing firm that combines campaign development and impeccable execution to create dynamic promotional campaigns that work. They carefully research consumer demographics to create targeted outreach programs and create meaningful relationships between their clients and customers. Each of the firm’s customized marketing programs engages potential customers with increased interaction and awareness, ensuring consumers become loyal to the promoted brands resulting in fast paced growth. Bay Event Marketing’s model is scalable for use by small and large businesses and adjustable to emerging market trends and focuses on innovation to reach targets efficiently every time.