Baseball Versus Bombs; Peace Poems, Baseball Haiku Diplomacy

Baseball versus Bombs at the White House

Baseball versus Bombs; Peace Poems, Baseball Haiku Diplomacy, co-authored by Roger Frank and Douglas Lewtan, suggests a unique approach to diplomacy by using “Baseball versus Bombs” and poetry as a tool for peace.

“Given the increasing complexities of our world,” the authors Roger Frank and Douglas Lewtan, of Fairfield CT, noted: “We wanted to make a difference and thought using poetry as a tool for peace might just do that. We feel that our book could be used to help improve relations between countries, such as the U.S. and North Korea.”

We wanted to make a difference and thought using poetry as a tool for peace might just do that.

Roger Frank, Author

The book pays homage to the long history of baseball as a tool for diplomacy, whose roots go back to the 19thcentury when baseball was introduced to Japan. With Cuba and other Caribbean countries setting precedents of exporting baseball players, hopefully that model can be replicated for North Korea by building on the success of South Korean Players in the Major Leagues. 

Towards that end Frank and Lewtan further noted: “It’s our experience that cultural and economic interdependence is a much better way to promote peace than mutual self-destruction. Hopefully Baseball versus Bombs communicates that message.”

Baseball versus Bombsis Lewtan’s first book and Frank’s second book of baseball haiku poems. It follows the publication of Crumbs in the Outfield,a collection of baseball haikus, memories and reflections. Through words and pictures the book captures baseball’s layered moments that happen over nine innings, between generations and in our hearts and minds.

Originally from Japan, haikus capture a world in 17 syllables and are popular worldwide in multiple languages. Baseball, which is increasingly becoming an international game, combined with haikus, “seemed like a great way to promote international diplomacy” noted the authors.


Download Baseball versus BombsHERE

For Further Information:

Roger Frank                    +1.917.327.7215

Douglas Lewtan         +1.860.604.9982

Source: Perfect Game Press

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