BarcaTech Invites RFP For Knowledge Process Outsourcing

The global market research firm is inviting requests for proposal for its various knowledge process outsourcing deliverables

Companies who rely on quantitative and qualitative data for their decision making can now approach BarcaTech with all their data collection and analysis requirements. The key knowledge process outsourcing deliverables offered by Barcatech go beyond product launch and measuring customer responses, they are used for market assessment and also to understand the effects of all the marketing inputs across the life cycle of a product or a brand.

Access to information is what separates the market leaders from their competition. Access to accurate and necessary information provides clients with actionable insights which will allow them to gain an edge over their competition and also achieve their organizational benchmarks.

Every requirement is unique and a lot of focus will be put on clients specific needs. BarcaTech begins by learning about the client's company and also the surrounding business environment to understand the dynamics of the line of business. The key offerings are mentioned below but are not limited to:

Primary and secondary data collection | Market Entry Studies | Market Expansion Studies | Competitive Landscape | Regulatory Impact Assessment | Business Partner Identification and Assessment | Company & Executive Profiles |Vendor Identification and Assessment |Product And Service Mapping.

BarcaTech's expertise in online/ field consumer surveys and one-on-one interviews has earned it a position of a premium knowledge process outsourcing destination. Clients can also send enquiries for Brand awareness and Product Attribute Perception Studies.

Using the Full time employee model, clients can reduce their research cost by 65%. To learn more about the company and it's key knowledge process outsourcing deliverables please visit and fill out the form with specific project requirements or contact:

Mr. Salil Modak
Phone: 630-780-4489