Barbara Martin-Collette's Newly Released 'Words: The GPS to Human Emotions' is a Collection of Heartfelt Poetry and Insights That Reveal Life's Magnificence

'Words: The GPS to Human Emotions' from Christian Faith Publishing author Barbara Martin-Collette is a sagacious opus that delves into life lessons that bless the heart and soul.

“Words: The GPS to Human Emotions”: a wonderfully compiled masterpiece that is filled with poems and proverbs about life, emotion, and faith in God. “Words: The GPS to Human Emotions” is the creation of published author, Barbara Martin-Collette, an ardent writer and mother with an associate degree in general studies in business management.

Martin-Collette shares, “Allowing words to be used as a GPS device, one could travel from a positive position of a compass to a negative position of one.

The top of the compass can be compared to the words that encourage one to build his or her dreams.

Positive words can have the same effect as a traffic light. The green light allows one to proceed in the direction in which one wishes to travel. A direction full of prosperity, encouragement, and strong determination that will help one reach his or her destiny.

The bottom of the compass could be compared to the use of negative words, which could destroy one’s dreams, hopes, or ambition.

Negative words have the same effect as a knife being thrust into one’s back or a bullet shot into someone’s heart.

Be careful how you choose your words. You can either tear someone down or help build them up.”

Published by Christian Faith Publishing, Barbara Martin-Collette’s new book contains wisdom-filled axioms that will surely relate to readers and instills virtues that will guide them toward a fulfilled life.

This book hopes to inspire one’s soul with positivity and grace that greatly reflects the Lord’s benevolence and love for all.

View a synopsis of “Words: The GPS to Human Emotions” on YouTube.

Consumers can purchase “Words: The GPS to Human Emotions” at traditional brick & mortar bookstores, or online at, Apple iTunes store, or Barnes and Noble.

For additional information or inquiries about “Words: The GPS to Human Emotions”, contact the Christian Faith Publishing media department at 866-554-0919.

Source: Christian Faith Publishing

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