Bald Jihadist Gets a Hair Transplant!

Hair transplant clinic in Turkey operates on ISIS fighter so he can "look better".

Turkey has been getting a lot of attention this past year as a destination for medical tourism. According to one CBC article Turkey enjoys 7 Billion dollars CDN of annual revenue because of medical tourism and one article in Wired magazine states that the hair restoration industry in Turkey is generates 1 Billion dollars annually by itself.

Apparently the attraction is so strong one soldier for ISIS (or ISIL) in Syria could not resist the temptation. He traveled to Izmur, Turkey roughly 400KM SW of Istanbul to have a hair transplant and an unknown second procedure so he could "look better". 

The majority of these operations are being performed by unlicensed technicians without a medical doctor being involved in the procedure. It has become impossible to keep track of who is being operated on and by who, which not only causes a public health problem but also a security problem due to the lack of accurate record keeping.

Dr. Emre Karadeniz, Plastic Surgeon

Dr. Emre Karadeniz of AEK Hair Institute in Istanbul, Turkey says..."

International hair transplant tourism in Turkey has grown so much in the recent years that hundreds of patient are being operated every day. Turkey has become the centre of cheap hair transplants where the average cost per procedure is less than 1000 Euro as opposed to 5000-10.000 Euro in other European countries."

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