BalanceWear® Now Available in Scandinavia

BalanceWear®, a non-invasive, pharma-free balance aid is now available in Scandinavia. BalanceWear® has been proven effective in over thirty (30) peer-reviewed scientific research and other publications including an NIH funded research project studying effectiveness in Multiple Sclerosis. Motion Therapeutics' BalanceWear®, a comfortable vest, is being called a revolutionary product for people living with MS, often providing immediate control for patients with balance issues.

Motion Therapeutics launches distribution partnership with SF Medical at the Skodsborg Fysioterapi Clinic to provide novel balance correction products in Scandinavia

BalanceWear®, a non-invasive, pharma-free balance aid is now available in Scandinavia. BalanceWear® has been proven effective in over thirty (30) peer-reviewed scientific research and other publications including an NIH funded research project studying effectiveness in Multiple Sclerosis.

"Each individual with balance issues has a unique balance deficit," explains Gibson-Horn. Once the patient's balance dysfunction is identified, BalanceWear®, is fitted with sensory inputs placed into the vest to augment sensory information to the neural pathway to enhance balance." Cindy Gibson-Horn, PT, the CTO and inventor of BalanceWear®

Cindy Gibson-Horn, PT , CTO and inventor of BalanceWear®

Motion Therapeutics’ BalanceWear®, a comfortable vest, is being called a revolutionary product for people living with MS, often providing immediate control for patients with balance issues. The product is non-invasive and works by accessing what Cindy Gibson-Horn, PT, the CTO and inventor of BalanceWear® calls an alternate balance mechanism.

“Each individual with balance issues has a unique balance deficit,” explains Gibson-Horn. Once the patient’s balance dysfunction is identified, BalanceWear®, is fitted with sensory inputs placed into the vest to augment sensory information to the neural pathway to enhance balance.”

With history going back to 1898 as one of Europe's first physiotherapy clinics, Skodsborg Fysioterapi is located within what is considered one of Scandinavia's foremost health establishments, which includes a number of specialty medical clinics, a recovery hospital, a fitness center, a hotel and spa. The clinic presently employs 25 therapists and treats more than 1,000 patients weekly.

“I am more than delighted to have our BalanceWear® range of products be distributed by SF Medical and have BalanceWear® added to the available treatment therapies at the highly respected and world famous Skodsborg Fysioterapi Clinic”,” says Steve Cookston, CEO of Motion Therapeutics, the company that manufactures BalanceWear®.  “We are eager to have our balance improvement products made available to the patients in Scandinavia suffering from many forms of balance difficulties.  We have found the ideal partner in SF Medical working with Skodsborg Fysioterapi” says Cookston.  “I found the physiotherapists at the Skodsborg Fysioterapi Clinic to be highly responsive and motivated to learn our patented BalanceWear® methodology. I have already Certified the first eight (8) therapists and they are already balancing patients!” says Gibson-Horn.

“We are most pleased to now have BalanceWear® to help our numerous patients suffering with many forms of neurologic and orthopedic balance conditions that can finally be improved by BalanceWear®,” said Jan Ove Myklebust, Founder and Chief Therapist at the Skodsborg Fysioterapi Clinic.

BalanceWear® was recently featured in the Summer 2015 Issue of MS Connection Newsletter from the Northern California Chapter, “It might be too good to be true, but for many, BalanceWear® has been a life changer,” said the article, “For many, this innovative therapy has immediately improved balance and continues to do so over time.”

BalanceWear® is a treatment option for a wide variety of neurologic and orthopedic balance disorders including MS, Parkinson’s Disease, Ataxia, stroke, spinal disc dysfunction and more.

For more information on BalanceWear®, visit or call 888.330.2289.  Motion Therapeutics is a provider of therapeutic products designed to improve balance, stability and mobility through the patented BalanceWear® Series mobility products. The company’s products are designed to accelerate the recovery and rehabilitation of adults and children with balance challenges and improve the mobility, confidence, and independence of individuals. Visit to learn more.

For more information about the Skodsborg Fysioterapi Clinic, please visit  (english/physiotherapy) or

European patients may, in confidence, contact Louise Myklebust at the Skodsborg Fysioterapi Clinic at or by telephone to +4545560030.            

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