B2B Soft Delivers Wireless Standard v9.3.2, Including New Features, Speed Enhancements and Performance Upgrades

B2B Soft's Wireless Standard Retail Management Platform Encompasses Everything Retailers Need for Effective and Profitable Business Growth

B2B Soft has been working around the clock to bring the latest and greatest features to Wireless Standard, the industry leading Retail Management System (RMS)/POS for wireless retailers. In release v9.3.2, Wireless Standard gains additional features and functionality, along with speed enhancements, performance upgrades, and bug fixes, enhancing wireless retailers ability to maximize their efficiency and effectiveness.

New Features:

We are very excited about our new enhancements to our Wireless Standard Platform which will greatly benefit our thousands of wireless dealers

Don Rossi , Director of Business Development

InComm (QPay) API 5.0 Integration: Provides enhanced stability, reliability, secure integration and accurate reporting. Includes complete insurance claim processing in store, including ability to collect deductibles.

Carrier Commission Payment Report: A new report in Wireless Standard Reporting (WSR), the Carrier Commission Payment Report provides one easy to use report that details every commissionable transaction for a chosen time period.

KPI Goal Cloning: Auto-copy Key Performance Indicator (KPI) goals from one period to the next - saving time and effort.

Green Receipts: Send receipts to customers via email, from any email provider, including; Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, and AOL, etc. Retailers can help to save the environment (save ink, toner, and paper), and save money, too!

Inventory Quantity & Cost Report: Includes a brand new column indicating whether a product is active or inactive.

FTP Channel Reporting Solution for Carriers & Master Dealers: Multi-channel reporting that allows Carriers and Master Dealers to see essential data, such as inventory quantities and product turnaround times.

New in mPOS Version 2.4:

• Returns and exchanges can be processed on a mobile device for any item sold in either mPOS or the Wireless Standard desktop application.

• Process exchanges with either a positive or negative balance.

• Search for transactions by Receipt # to view transaction details, such as date, time, store, cashier, a list of items sold and a list of payments.

B2B Soft has recently launched an online Help Center which enables clients to search a library of 'How To' articles and videos to help them find solutions quickly. Clients can now submit a support ticket directly from the Help Center, and will be able to view the status of their requests. To visit the Help Center, click here: B2B Soft Help Center.

About B2B Soft:

B2B Soft develops innovative software solutions for wireless and general retail markets and provides consulting services that enable growth and drive business success. With over a decade of proven experience in wireless retail, B2B Soft is a leader in building enterprise point of sale solutions that improve management and operational processes while helping companies engage their customers by providing a superior customer experience. Today, more than 8,500 wireless retailers rely on B2B Soft’s Retail Management Platform.

For complete information, please visit: B2B Soft Wireless POS Solutions.

Media Contact:

B2B Soft
Attn: Media Relations
17 Battery Pl., Suite 715
​New York, NY

Source: B2B Soft

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