Awesome IT Consulting and Outsourcing Company in USA, Canada and India

GMI is an IT consulting and outsourcing company located in Georgia, USA. As of 2013, the company is having 14 development centers in 5 different countries. GMI is one of the fastest growing IT company in India.

The company mainly involved in providing Web Development, Mobile Application Development, Internet Marketing and Custom Software Development services across various industry verticals including Media & Entertainment, Advertising, Education, Healthcare, Finance, Retail and Life Science.

Founded in March 2000, GMI was initially involved in providing a few basic software & IT solutions for small & mid-sized local businesses. However, with each passing year, GMI has started outshining through repeated excellence in empowering the IT industry with out-of-the-box technological innovations.

With its intense and strategic approach, the IT service provider has started leveraging from the market presence and trustworthiness from clients by providing compelling and creative solutions for educational institutions, healthcare industries, financial sectors, travel agencies and other local businesses.

Visit Our website and get more information about our company services

When required, the company access specialized skills of their huge talent pool from anywhere in the world to solve the specific problems. Under the insightful vision of a highly qualified management team, the company has seen unrivaled growth of almost 200% in the areas of revenues and manpower scale up.

In early January 2009, Idhasoft, one of the world's rapidly growing IT company has undertaken GMI with the intense to improve its strategic consulting portfolio and improve ROI in web and mobile application development domain. For over 13 years, in the field of software and web application development, GMI has always explored emerging technology trends and gained expertise to offer unrivaled services in the field of web and wireless entertainment.

The company has its corporate headquarter located in Borivali, Mumbai, India. Apart from this, the company has its footprints in all the major countries including India, USA, Thailand, Switzerland and Germany. Visit Our website and see our presence in world

GMI is armed with a veteran and seasoned team of more than 150 professionals having expertise in its niche development areas including networking frameworks, wireless networks, entertainment apps, online communities and so on. Looking for trusted website, mobile appliocation developer browse our website today or contact us today at +1.631.897.7276.