AVT Executives Are Interviewed By IPODestop.com

CORONA, Calif., /PRNewswire/ -- AVT, Inc., (formerly Automated Vending Technologies) (Pinksheets:AVTC.pk - News) (www.avtinconline.com), company founder Shannon Illingworth and Chief Marketing Officer Mike Kiser were interviewed by Fran

CORONA, Calif./PRNewswire/ -- AVT, Inc., (formerly Automated Vending Technologies) (Pinksheets:AVTC.pk - News) (www.avtinconline.com), company founder Shannon Illingworth and Chief Marketing Officer Mike Kiser were interviewed by Francis Gaskins, editor of IPODesktop.com. An audio recording of that interview is available online at http://gaskinsco.com/July-avtc.mp3

Gaskins, a well known and respected industry analyst, commented that AVT has seen several pilot programs turn into major orders, and that the company's growth seems explosive.

AVT Company founder, Shannon Illingworth, stated that consumer adoption is incredible because AVT's new Automated Retailing Systems provide consumers the opportunity to purchase items that they normally could not get at their local supermarket, while also giving the retailer the ability to increase revenue streams by offering more products with no shrinkage or labor.

Industry veteran Mike Kiser, formerly the CEO of Compass Group - one of the largest vending services providers in the world, and now the Chief Marketing Officer at AVT, commented on how AVT's new Automated Retailing Systems are improving the customer experience, and that the technology that powers these units provide retailers with ways to reduce costs while increasing distribution.

Gaskins had previously stated that he believes AVT can be a $10.00 stock, with a market capitalization of over $40 million.

To listen to the IPODesktop interview with AVT's Shannon Illingworth and Mike Kiser, follow this link: http://gaskinsco.com/July-avtc.mp3

For more information on AVT and their self-service retailing systems, customized vending solutions, and automated stores, visit AVT's Website at: www.autoretail.com.

About AVT:
AVT, Inc. is a leading developer of automated and self-service retailing systems, vending machines, and unmanned retail destinations. AVT's stock is traded through the Pink OTC Markets, Ticker Symbol: AVTC.PK.

AVT, Inc. is a leading developer of automated and self-service retailing systems, vending machines, and unmanned retail destinations. AVT's stock is traded through the Pink OTC Markets,
Ticker Symbol: AVTC.PK.
Ticker Symbol: AVTC.PK.
Ticker Symbol: AVTC.PK.