Avenue 56 Dance Studios Offers Excellent Instructions and Guidance to People Who Wish to Compete in Dance Competitions
Online, October 16, 2010 (Newswire.com) - Orange County, Los Angeles,- Avenue56dancestudios.com, one of the leading dance studios Los Angeles, offers excellent instructions and motivated guidance to people who wish to compete in any dance competitions that are held almost every weekend throughout the United States.
In these dance competitions, each couple can perform single dances or all dances of a certain style. For instance, a dancer may select to only compete in the American smooth waltz and foxtrot while another may dance all five of the international standard dances including the waltz, tango, Viennese waltz, foxtrot and quickstep. Their professional instructors help people decide which one is suitable for them. Some couples compete in two styles such as international standard and American smooth.
Tony the CEO of Avenue56dancestudios.com stated that "From the top licensed dance professionals in our dance lessons in Orange County, Los Angeles and other Southern California areas, you can learn any of the popular dances such as: Salsa, Ballroom, Swing, Country and Western, Cha cha, Fox trot, Latin, Nightclub Two-step, Quickstep, Rumba, Tango and Viennese waltz."
Avenue56dancestudios.com is one of the leading dance studios in Los Angeles offers dance lessons taught by experienced and award winning professional dancers in Los Angeles, Orange County and other Southern California areas in our dance classes Redondo Beach, dance classes in Santa Monica, dance classes in Pasadena and dance classes Glendale. The dance studio believes in providing excellent, personal instruction from top dance professionals at reasonable rates to its students. For more information about dance lessons Orange County call us at (949)306-1536 and for dance classes Los Angeles at (310) 709-4951.