Offers Free, 1 Day, Full Access Membership To Biomedical Autism Treatment and R
Online, October 21, 2009 (
Temecula, CA: For the first time since its inception, is offering the public an opportunity to "test drive" the first and only biomedical autism treatment & recovery site created and run by a biomedical autism specialist physician, absolutely free. The site is a membership based site where parents and family members of children with an autism-spectrum disorder can access biomedical support, health advice, and protocols to help them treat and even recover their children from Autism.
Beginning Saturday, October 24th, 2009 at 6am through Sunday, October 25th at 6am, is having a FREE open house that gives full access to Dr. Woeller's Video Presentations & Lectures, Biomedical Troubleshooting Advice, Biomedical Protocols, Biomedical Test interpretations, and more. In addition, Dr. Kurt Woeller will host his Parent Forum and LIVE Video Chats throughout the day, where participants are invited to ask questions and get answers directly from Dr. Woeller in real time. Additional guest speakers include Feeding and Speech Pathologist, Dawn Winkelmann, and Autism Blogger Terri Hirning, the parent of a child successfully treated using biomedical autism intervention protocols. Terri is also a representative for New Beginnings Nutritionals, a respected nutritional supplement company supporting the special needs of the autism community.
"As a Doctor specializing in the treatment of autism-spectrum children, one of the most frustrating things for me was only being able to help one patient at a time," says Dr. Kurt Woeller, Biomedical Autism Specialist and co-founder of "By creating the website, we've found a vehicle that allows people all over the world to access, proven biomedical therapies, and information on their own computers, on their schedule, without geographical or budgetary constraints This can truly help improve their children's futures and their whole family's lives."
To be a part of the 'Open House', simply log onto on October 24th and click on "live video chats" to find the day's schedule of events. There is no pre-registration required and the site is open to anyone who is interested in learning more about biomedical autism intervention.