Author Tracy Stanaway's New Audiobook 'Jelly Bean Dean' is a Beautiful Story of Loving and Accepting Someone No Matter What Their Outward Appearance May Be

Recent audiobook release 'Jelly Bean Dean' from Audiobook Network author Tracy Stanaway is a delightful and vital story of acceptance that centers around anthropomorphic jelly beans. As a young baby, Jelly Bean Dean was caught in the rain and developed splotchy patches of color that all her classmates made fun of her for. But after one kind bean befriends her, Jelly Bean Dean feels less alone in the world.

Tracy Stanaway, a retired dance teacher and mother of three, has completed her new audiobook "Jelly Bean Dean": a heartwarming story about a jelly bean who is judged for her appearance but finds her place amongst friends.

Published by Audiobook Network, author Tracy Stanaway's new audiobook is a charming story that shares an important lesson of accepting people no matter what they look like and appreciating one's own differences. Listeners of all ages will enjoy this wonderful story that holds a heartwarming message.

After being born, Jelly Bean Dean is exposed to the rain and her parents forget to quickly dry her off. This leads to Jelly Bean Dean developing a splotchy complexion that other beans make fun of. However, Jelly Bean Dean learns to love her skin and her classmates eventually realize that she is no different from them.

Listeners can purchase the audiobook edition of "Jelly Bean Dean" by Tracy Stanaway through Audible, the Apple iTunes store, or Amazon. 

Audiobooks are the fastest-growing segment in the digital publishing industry. According to The Infinite Dial 2019, 50% of Americans age 12 and older have listened to an audiobook. This huge growth can be partly attributed to increased listening in cars, which surpassed the home as the #1 audiobook listening location in the 2019 survey. Smart speaker proliferation also bodes well for future listening growth and more mainstream listening. 

Audiobook Network, Inc. (ABN) is a full-service audiobook publishing company that transforms authors' books or eBooks to life through audio narration. ABN handles, narration, production, audio editing, digital formatting, distribution, promotion, and royalty collections all under one roof. For additional information or media inquiries, contact Audiobook Network at 866-296-7774.

Source: Audiobook Network

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