Author Melanie Faith Haggard's New Audiobook 'The Girl With a Magical Martian Brain' is a Powerful Autobiography of the Author's Self-Discovery and Reawakening

Recent audiobook release "The Girl with a Magical Martian Brain" from Audiobook Network author Melanie Faith Haggard is an inspirational autobiographical story that begins with the awakening of the author to the world around her. Following this, she discovers her inner strengths and abilities that help her handle all that life has thrown at her.

Melanie Faith Haggard has completed her new audiobook "The Girl with a Magical Martian Brain": an eye-opening journey of the author's discovery of the world and its secrets as she strives for a world of people driven by love.

"The year 2020 marks when our world stretched, yawned, and began shaking off the effects of an anesthetic veil of deception," writes Haggard. "Like everyone on the planet, I was in quarantine. COVID-19 in full performance, humanity saw cities, towns, lives, social systems blazing. The old matrix begins collapsing, and a war to end an ancient evil world cabal plays out checkmate to a dark matrix. Our president under unrelentingly attacks as dark forces scramble to hold positions of power. We witness a world gone insane and a plan put into place long before his birth come to fruition. It is not the man; it is his role in the plan. Humanity trapped in their homes takes to the Internet passing time trying to understand why something doesn't feel right. I'm no exception. My dreams transport me to unknown dreamscapes where owls fly from misty trenches and ocean sunrises erupt spouting fires over silvery water. I begin searching for deeper meaning. Ironically, I'm led to Twitter; here I discover an army of frogs.

"Okay, not real frogs but men and women, Patriots dedicated to finding truths. For centuries, humanity lives an illusion where the collective conscious is anesthetized.

"Evil is fully entrenched in the very fabric of our souls. God, it seems, has abandoned earth, and total human enslavement is close to fruition. Anyone who dares expose these plots ends up dead or discredited as conspiracy nut jobs.

"My journey into a twisted and grotesque rabbit hole begins."

Published by Audiobook Network, author Melanie Faith Haggard's new audiobook is a stirring and empowering tale that will leave listeners with a better understanding of the world they thought they knew. Through her story, Haggard encourages those who journey along with her to understand the powers inside oneself and to move towards giving and receiving love from all around.

Listeners can purchase the audiobook edition of "The Girl with a Magical Martian Brain" by Melanie Faith Haggard through Audible, the Apple iTunes Store, or Amazon.  

Audiobook Network, Inc. (ABN) is a full-service audiobook publishing company that transforms authors' books or eBooks to life through audio narration. ABN handles, narration, production, audio editing, digital formatting, distribution, promotion, and royalty collections all under one roof. For additional information or media inquiries, contact Audiobook Network at 866-296-7774.

Source: Audiobook Network

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