Author Marlene Chism Offers "How to Improve Relationships" Teleseminar- July 22, 2011

Learn how to improve relationships and end the drama with Marlene Chism's proven techniques on July 22, 2011 at 11:00 am, Pacific Time.

Learn how to improve relationships and end the drama with Marlene Chism's proven techniques on July 22, 2011 at 11:00 am, Pacific Time.

In all drama there is a common component: Relationships. All dysfunctional relationships have patterns that fall into one of four categories, which you will learn how to identify in this training program. How can this improve your life? Simply learning to identify the patterns that "hook" you, can change any area of your life.

What if you didn't fall for the manipulation and game playing that keeps you repeating patterns? What if you could master your emotions before getting drawn into a no-win argument? What if you knew how to deal with an over-bearing boss, or an employee with a victim mind set? What if you could eliminate your family patterns that make you dread the holidays? This program will give you tools that work for you personally and professionally

In this teleseminar, Marlene will discuss the following ways to end drama and improve relationships:

• How to identify the four positions on the Karpman Drama Triangle
• How to know if you are helping or rescuing
• What to do to minimize victim behavior
• How to promote empowerment
• How to respond to the bully
• Two things you must do to exit the triangle
• How these principles work in your personal life
• How these principles work in your professional life
• What to do if you work with a difficult boss
• Why your star performer may be contributing to workplace drama
• How to identify the red flags indicating drama is about to occur

Participants will receive a recorded MP3, PowerPoint slides as well as a learning guide, assessment and drama checklist. Participants can use these materials with their management team, or as a training and development tool within their company.

Marlene is no stranger to reinvention and change. For more than twenty years, Marlene worked on the lines of the factory floor before quitting her blue collar job to build a business as a consultant, trainer and professional speaker.

Marlene is known for her thought-provoking yet down to earth practicality, her sharp wit and ability to get to the root cause of any type of drama.

A dynamic business and motivational speaker and communications consultant, Marlene has the unique ability to reach across the boundaries of many types of audiences: from Fortune 500 executives, entrepreneurs and business leaders; to employees on the front lines. She is a philosopher and a dynamic story-teller with the ability to take complex subjects and make them immediately applicable, bridging universal principles to the inner and outer game of success.

Visit to sign up to listen via web or phone to the teleseminar on July 22, 2011.

Marlene Chism is the author of Stop Workplace Drama. She helps managers and business leaders increase employee engagement, improve their leadership skills and reduce negativity in the workplace. Visit to learn the eight principles help leaders gain clarity and reduce workplace drama.