Author Marlene Chism Offers Free "Employee Engagement and Motivation" Teleseminar- March 25, 2011

Marlene Chism, speaker and author of the new book, Stop Workplace Drama, will host a free teleseminar on March 25, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. PST on the topic of employee engagement and motivation.

Employee motivation and development is not always left up to the development or training manger. Managers, supervisors, practice administrators or HR professionals are often charged with the task of "changing the attitudes," or getting them "motivated."

What that usually means is that drama has overcome the workplace, and now productivity suffers because of a lack of teamwork. There's too much negativity, complaining, backstabbing and power struggles...all time wasters. The overworked manager gets blamed and is told to figure out a way to change the attitudes.

The manager feels overwhelmed and stuck on the rock called "HOW" especially when there's not enough time and very little budget for outside help.

Marlene Chism, speaker and author of the new book, Stop Workplace Drama, will host a free teleseminar on March 25, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. PST on the topic of employee engagement and motivation. Chism will answer questions about employee engagement, motivation and workplace drama. In addition, she will introduce two products, called Attitude Builders and Monthly Motivators, and discuss how to use these products to implement a very effective team meeting or a lunch and learn in one hour or less.

Through her own life of reinvention, having moved from the factory floor to becoming a nationally-acclaimed speaker and consultant hired nationwide by groups like NASA and Sprint, Chism has identified the gap that drama creates-a gap between where you are and where you want to be. Her clear, pragmatic approach eliminates the gap, and frees individuals and teams to fully engage in the lives they imagine no matter what their leadership role.

"Marlene Chism's no-drama approach is down-to-earth and effective, plus it's communicated with good humor and a very big heart," states Rick Hanson, Ph.D., author of Buddha's Brain: The Practical Neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom.

Visit to sign up to listen via phone to the teleseminar on March 25. For more about Chism's speaking and more, see

Media inquiries: Contact: Marlene Chism (417)831-1799/