Author Jonathan Alexander Exaros's New Audiobook 'A Village Murder' is a Truthful Retelling of Courage and Resilience Experienced by the Author's Own Ancestors

Recent audiobook release "A Village Murder" from Audiobook Network author Jonathan Alexander Exaros shares the stories of the author's predecessors as they braved deadly circumstances to find hope amid the toils.

Jonathan Alexander Exaros, a Moravian College graduate and owner and head instructor of a professional martial arts academy in Horsham, Pennsylvania, has completed his new audiobook "A Village Murder": a gripping tale of loss, heartaches, and steadfastness showed by his ancestors throughout their lives. Exaros is a lifelong student of history, philosophy, and religion, and a dedicated family man and writer. 

This book is the harrowing story of Exaros's ancestors. He walks listeners through first-hand accounts of what it was really like to be an immigrant in the early 1900s and chronicles the banditry that plagued the countryside of Greece for decades. It is a story of personal tragedy, revenge, and justice. But most of all, it is a story of survival. 

In the summer of 1928, an eleven-year-old American-born son of Greek immigrants travels with his family to Greece to visit their family village. There, he witnesses the brutal murder of his father and grandfather by Albanian bandits who were directed by "the man with a hole in his face." 

The young boy, his distraught mother, and two of his siblings return to the United States a year later, leaving behind one of his brothers in the hands of a wealthy aunt and uncle who turned out to be abusive and neglectful. The younger brother runs away and becomes a stowaway on a ship, where he is taken in by the empathetic crew who help him reunite with his family abroad. 

Published by Audiobook Network, author Exaros's new audiobook exudes thought-provoking perspectives that reveal every foreigner's struggle with alienation. 

Listeners can purchase the audiobook edition of "A Village Murder" by Jonathan Alexander Exaros through Audible, the Apple iTunes store, or Amazon. 

Audiobooks are the fastest-growing segment in the digital publishing industry. According to The Infinite Dial 2019, 50% of Americans age 12 and older have listened to an audiobook. This huge growth can be partly attributed to increased listening in cars, which surpassed the home as the #1 audiobook listening location in the 2019 survey. Smart speaker proliferation also bodes well for future listening growth and more mainstream listening. 

Audiobook Network, Inc. (ABN) is a full-service audiobook publishing company that transforms authors' books or eBooks to life through audio narration. ABN handles, narration, production, audio editing, digital formatting, distribution, promotion, and royalty collections all under one roof. For additional information or media inquiries, contact Audiobook Network at 866-296-7774.


Source: Audiobook Network

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