Author John Alfred's New Audiobook 'A Summary of the Bible' is a Succinct Recap of What is in the Bible From Cover to Cover

Recent audiobook release 'A Summary of the Bible' from Audiobook Network author John Alfred is an easy-to-digest guide for studying the Bible and important messages and stories from its texts. Using his own knowledge and vast research, Alfred creates the perfect outline for those unfamiliar with the Bible who wish to learn more about God's plan and Jesus's story.

John Alfred has completed his new audiobook "A Summary of the Bible": a brief and succinct overview of the Bible for those who have never read the Bible but are interested in deepening their understanding of its contents and how the 66 books of the Bible unfold God's purpose and plan for mankind.

In the book's preface, Alfred shared his experience of how he was raised in a family that did not practice any particular faith and how certain events led him to become a Christian when he was a young adult.

"Over the last 40 years, I have grown in my experience in the Christian faith," writes Alfred. "Over the last 30 years, I have read the Bible from cover to cover every year. Over the last 20 years, I have studied theology. Given what I have learned from reading the Bible repeatedly and from the teachings of widely respected theologians throughout church history (e.g., St. Augustine, Martin Luther, John Calvin, and Jonathan Edwards), I was comfortable to express the Bible's overall message in the form of this summary.

"From my studies, I learned that there are three stages of having a saving faith. The first stage is the informative stage, where the person becomes informed of what the faith is about. The second stage is the agreement stage, where the person agrees that the information is true. The third stage is the trusting stage, where the person trusts and relies on the information as the truth and will stake his/her life on it.

"The purpose of this summary is to help with the informative stage. As I needed at the beginning of my Christian experience, this summary is to help the reader understand what is in the Bible from start to finish. Whoever reads this summary should know that having this summary in his or her hands is not a coincidence. It is God who draws us to Himself. My hope and prayer is that God will use this summary to inform readers how they can make peace with God; have all their misdeeds, great and small, be completely forgiven by God; and commit themselves into a loving and intimate relationship with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Without a doubt, to make peace and commit to an intimate relationship with God is the most important decision anyone could make. Indeed, such a decision is a matter of eternal life or eternal separation."

Published by Audiobook Network, author John Alfred's new audiobook is an effective resource for listeners looking for an introduction to the Bible. For those already familiar with the Bible, the audiobook can be an effective way to share its message with others. A wonderful approach to dissecting and understanding God's word, "A Summary of the Bible" will energize listeners to deepen their faith in God, His infinite wisdom, and His plan of salvation. 

Listeners can purchase the audiobook edition of "A Summary of the Bible" by John Alfred through Audible, the Apple iTunes store, or Amazon. 

Source: Audiobook Network

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