Author Explores and Answers the Age-old Question, What Is Man?
Online, September 21, 2013 ( - The Epistle of Paul states there are mysteries that have "been hidden from ages and from generations." Sedaker delves into these mysteries and finds that although man was, most certainly, the focal point of what God was doing on earth, he was by no means the only thing God was concerned about.
Using the same process as a detective, Sedaker searches for clues leading to a greater understanding of what Paul said was God's "eternal purpose, which he purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Eph. 3:11).
Although the Bible starts out with a narrative of Adam and Eve's creation, Sedaker shows this is not where God's story begins-that there is a much bigger picture to what happened with Adam and Eve than what has been taught traditionally.
What is Man that Thou Art Mindful of Him-Where We Were takes us back to the Garden of Eden unfolding credible answers to questions most never thought of asking.
• Why was the "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil" in the garden?
• Why was Eve not created immediately after making Adam?
• If "Adam was not deceived" as the Bible states, then why did Adam eat the forbidden fruit?
• If Eve was the transgressor, then why did Adam's sin bring death upon all men?
• How do God's curses of Adam and Eve affect us even to this day?
Filled with interesting observations, each point offers one goal-to bring understanding to Where We Were, thus, positioning us to respond to God truthfully when asked, "Where Are You?"
What is Man that Thou Art Mindful of Him-Where We Were is the first of a three part study of Godly concepts and their influences. Through analysis and argument, Sedaker proposes convincing points of view into Where We Were, Where We Are and Where We are Going to Be.
A first time author, Thomas Sedaker has been mixed with extraordinary spiritual experiences along with the contemporary trials common to all who work out their salvation in the midst of a dysfunctional world. His writings offer a unique perspective to those hungering for truth, a point of view born from one familiar with both success and failure.
What is Man that Thou Art Mindful of Him-Where We Were is Sedaker's first book, and the first in a three part study of Godly concepts and their influences. Through analysis and argument, Sedaker proposes convincing points of view into Where We Were, Where We Are and Where We are Going to Be.
Sedaker currently resides in Southern California with his loving wife of 29 years, Jani.
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