Author Brooks Brownlee's Debut 'The Bishop' is the Inspirational Story of the Rise of a Young Man Born Into Poverty to Become a Brazilian National Intelligence Agent

Recent release "The Bishop" from Newman Springs Publishing author Brooks Brownlee is a thrilling tale of espionage that follows Fernando Carvalho from his origin in extreme poverty in one of Brazil's largest slums in the city of São Paulo through his rise to become a covert agent in the Brazilian National Intelligence Association, where he fights crime and evil in Brazil and throughout the world.

Brownlee, a retired businessman who served as a CFO, CEO, and COO with thirty-plus years of experience in businesses in the western US, has completed his first book "The Bishop": a gripping novel of espionage set in Brazil. Mr. Brownlee experienced a severe stroke in early 2014. He lost the use of his left arm and leg and has overcome cognitive difficulty completely. Thanks to surgery received in late 2020, he anticipates some modest recovery of the idled limbs by late 2022. In 2017, Brownlee resolved to fulfill a lifelong ambition of writing fiction, which has resulted in this debut effort. He plans to continue to develop the story of Fernando Carvalho, a sort of Brazilian James Bond, in future novels. To learn more, visit

Peter Mountford, award-winning author of "A Young Man's Guide to Late Capitalism" and "The Dismal Science", said of "The Bishop", "Brooks Brownlee's debut thriller offers an adventurous and thrilling ride through Brazil—our beguiling protagonist 'the Bishop' goes from the lowest lows in a slum life, to the highest highs, hob-nobbing with the country's elite. A moving and ambitious book, Brownlee's debut offers nonstop excitement, and a great view into a precarious and beautiful Brazil that is at once ravaged by drugs and poverty, and awash in beauty and opportunity." 

Brownlee's own experience studying abroad in Brazil has enabled him to capture the settings in vivid detail and truly put the readers inside the action. 

Omer L. Rains, author of the international bestseller "Back to the Summit" shared advanced praise for the book: "What made this novel especially interesting to me is that, with but one exception, I have visited every venue mentioned in 'The Bishop.' Yet, due to Brooks' exacting detail, I was further educated about each country, city, or slum mentioned. Also, descriptions of the main characters in the book, especially of the 'Bishop' himself, are colorful and make the book particularly readable, but by the end, one realizes that the main thesis or thrust of the book centers on the evils of totalitarian movements and governments. The author brings this home forcefully." 

Published by Newman Springs Publishing, Brownlee's triumphant tale introduces readers to a new hero who overcomes a series of very bad breaks and tragedies and evil all around him. He goes on to serve a higher purpose and fight crime throughout the world. 

Readers who wish to experience this gripping work can purchase "The Bishop" at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iBooks Store, Amazon, or Barnes & Noble.

For additional information or media inquiries, contact Newman Springs Publishing at 732-243-8512.

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Source: Newman Springs Publishing

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