Author Bebe Proctor's new Audiobook 'Good Night, See You Tomorrow, I Love You' is a personal account of the author's life and how she has navigated each emotional twist

Recent audiobook release "Good Night, See You Tomorrow, I Love You" from Audiobook Network author Bebe Proctor is a profoundly inspiring autobiography, documenting each major moment and turning point in the author's life. With determination and love from her family, Proctor managed to live a life filled with joy and overcome each obstacle with hope of a better tomorrow.

Bebe Proctor has completed her new audiobook "Good Night, See You Tomorrow, I Love You": a powerful and irreverent autobiographical tale that recounts the author's life, including starting her family, her diagnosis of a neuromuscular condition, and the loss of her beloved husband.

On the title "Good Night, See You Tomorrow, I Love You", Proctor writes, "My five-year-old son would get out of bed several times a night and say this to us. My husband and I started saying it to each other up until the night he passed away. I had the quote put on his gravestone. It was also read at the funeral. It is like going to sleep and one day seeing your loved ones again. This book will make you laugh and cry. It is filled with joy, laughter, and tears."

Published by Audiobook Network, author Bebe Proctor's new audiobook will inspire listeners of all backgrounds as Proctor shares the story of her life with immense detail and profound emotion. Each moment provides a lesson of gratitude and appreciation that listeners can take with them as they see the world through Proctor's eyes.

Listeners can purchase the audiobook edition of "Good Night, See You Tomorrow, I Love You" by Bebe Proctor through Audible, the Apple iTunes store, or Amazon. 

Audiobooks are the fastest growing segment in the digital publishing industry. According to The Infinite Dial 2019, 50% of Americans age 12 and older have listened to an audiobook. This huge growth can be partly attributed to increased listening in cars, which surpassed the home as the #1 audiobook listening location in the 2019 survey. Smart speaker proliferation also bodes well for future listening growth and more mainstream listening. 

Audiobook Network, Inc. (ABN) is a full-service audiobook publishing company that transforms authors' books or e-books to life through audio narration. ABN handles, narration, production, audio editing, digital formatting, distribution, promotion, and royalty collections all under one roof. For additional information or media inquiries, contact Audiobook Network at 866-296-7774.

Source: Audiobook Network

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