Australian Consumers Embrace New Invitation Only Travel Deal Site, Travelcandy.Com.Au, Australia's specialist invitation-only travel club is signing up members so fast that they have had to hire two new staff members to cope with demand., Australia's specialist invitation-only travel club is signing up members so fast that they have had to hire two new staff members to cope with demand. CEO Sam Friend says, "We always thought there was a need for hand picked travel deals but we had no idea just how popular it would be in the Australian market. We have been pleasantly surprised by the response and we have had to grow rapidly to accommodate the demand."

The site, which has only been live for three months, has already signed up over 10,000 members, lwith numbers growing steadily each day.

Friend attributes the surge in numbers to the power of word of mouth and increased consumer demand for handpicked travel deals and quality content. "Wotif's offering is largely the same as it was 10 years ago, no reviews, generic content but good at processing bookings. We are about inspiring people to get more balance, take a holiday and plan it in advance to save some money."

"Australians are very comfortable with purchasing in advance if they are getting a great deal. On our site, we sell limited numbers of exclusive holiday experiences at extremely good prices. We have sold everything from Daintree Ecolodge escapes to Sydney Harbour Sailing packages. We have one customer who has bought something every week!"

For further information or to sign up for a free VIP membership, please visit


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Alice Street
