Australian Carbon Pioneer Welcomes Transition to Carbon Economy
Online, July 1, 2012 ( - Not-for-profit carbon offset pioneer, Greenfleet is busy preparing for the introduction of the carbon pricing mechanism and Carbon Farming Initiative, due to commence this Sunday (1 July 2012).
Greenfleet has been providing voluntary carbon offset services to Australians since 1997.
"Over 15 years Greenfleet has seen a steady increase in households and businesses wanting to take responsibility for carbon emissions and offset these emissions by planting Australian native forests. We see the introduction of a national carbon price and the Carbon Farming Initiative as a natural progression in the evolution of Australia's carbon market," says Greenfleet CEO, Sara Gipton.
"We are confident that Australia will continue to operate with a carbon price into the future, regardless of political machinations to the contrary. A carbon price helps value the natural resources used and pollution generated by our lifestyles and businesses, and ensures the sustainability of our society for future generations."
"Greenfleet has been encouraged by recent stories of big business innovation in the lead-up to 1 July, as they work to reduce carbon intensity. This illustrates the intended consequences of a carbon price and these businesses are more likely to be sustainable both economically and environmentally in the long term."
A final, but important step for any business managing carbon is to offset unavoidable emissions. In addition to recapturing carbon, Greenfleet's biodiverse forest offsets deliver additional benefits to Australia's landscapes and native wildlife.
In preparing for participation in Australia's mandatory carbon market, Greenfleet has thus far:
• Lodged an application to the Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency to become a Registered Entity under the CFI.
• Lodged an application to register to provide financial services in emissions units to the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.
• Registered the first Carbon Sequestration and Forestry Rights and Forest Carbon Rights on property title under the Victorian Climate Change Act (2011).
About Greenfleet
Greenfleet is a recognised leader in forest abatement, offsetting emissions for business and the community, and was the first not-for-profit forestry organisation to become an Approved Abatement Provider under the former Greenhouse Friendly™ programme.
Since 1997, Greenfleet has planted more than 7½ million native trees to restore biodiverse forests around Australia. We encourage organisations and individuals to AVOID and REDUCE greenhouse gas emissions, then OFFSET any remaining emissions by planting native forests.
Greenfleet's forests take carbon from the atmosphere to tackle climate change, but they also do much more. We plant a variety of native trees in permanent forests that help to reduce salinity and soil erosion, provide essential habitat for native wildlife, and much more.
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