Attract More Clients Using Local Mobile Marketing Services By

Mobile marketing is the new and more accessible marketing tool. Chase Web Solutions offers mobile marketing and online solutions to help businesses grow.

Marketing strategies continually evolve to keep up with the times. People are attached to their mobile phones like these devices are extensions of themselves. Many people are unable to leave the house without their phone. This is one of the reasons why local mobile marketing is very effective.

One of the most popular and widely used modes of communication is text messaging. Many people nowadays find out about new businesses, promotions, and store updates through their mobile phones -- be it in the form of text messages or calls from friends or from mobile marketers.

With the introduction and proliferation of smartphones, people can do just about anything and everything on their mobile phones. With over 4 billion mobile phones in the world today, it would hardly come as a surprise if studies show that people spend more time on mobile phones compared to other technological devices and news media.

In the U.S. alone, an estimated 86% of the population own mobile phones. An estimated 112 million people frequently use text messaging in the U.S. and Canada. That's millions of potential customers.

It has been said that people don't even bother opening and reading 90% of marketing emails. An impressive 97% of mobile text messages are opened and read, most of which are read within the first hour of receipt. Mobile Marketing is the new and highly effective marketing tool. is a Raleigh, North Carolina-based web design, SEO services and local mobile marketing provider. Chase Web Solutions is a one-stop shop offering graphics design, web design, hosting, blogs, social media, SEO marketing, e-commerce system, vendor portals, and many more for big or small businesses. Among its services, Chase Web Solutions can custom design a business logo for as low as $147. features a blog section where it shares tips on how to increase sales, reach customers, and other topics related to business growth. One can stay updated by subscribing to Chase Web Solution's monthly SEO newsletter for training, industry-related topics and other special content.

Visit to learn more about its different marketing services and how these can help businesses grow. One may also contact the company at 919-435-4960 to request for a quote.

About Chase Web Solutions
