Attack! Launches Social Underground™ to Leverage Influential Social Media Impressions

Attack! Social Underground™ connects brands with online, social media influencers through immersive, multimedia experiences developed to strengthen real, consumer-brand relationships.

Scott James
p. 415-433-1499 x228
f. 415-992-4329

Social Underground™ utilizes Attack!'s proprietary LiveOne™ technology and PeopleTracker™ national database of 60,000+ brand ambassadors to match online influencers with targeted marketing campaigns. The new service connects brands with online, social media influencers through immersive, multimedia experiences developed to strengthen real, consumer-brand relationships.

Created to work as a stand-alone service or in tandem with a brand's multiplatform campaign, Social Underground™ allows a brand to create an impact organically-and with results. Throughout each multimedia program, participants share original stories, photos and videos on their personal social networks to create measurable brand impressions.

"Social Underground™ addresses new, digital marketing needs." says Attack! Managing Partner and Co-Founder, Andrew Loos. "We're focused on amplifying the impact created by the true brand ambassadors at heart - the people who have grown to love a brand because of the personal experiences they had with a specific product or event."

Our recent Social Underground™ success stories include:

Book: Dracula In Love by Karen Essex, DoubleDay Author
• Created an interactive, multimedia book club
• 53,550 impressions, 617 click-thrus

Technology: iPad protection case, iBallz
• Created interactive product competitions
• 35 pieces of crowd-sourced multi-media content

Fashion: Holiday Gift Quiz, Headline Shirts
• Created pre-launch event for online product
• 127,680 social media impressions, 13 inbound blog links, 200x seasonal traffic increase

Client Testimonial
"Social Underground™ connected us with targeted, active online users that created original content, social buzz and (most importantly) had fun with our product. The response was phenomenal!" - Lee Doerr, CEO/Co-Founder of iBallz™

Browse our case studies and learn more about leveraging online influencers at

About Attack!
Attack! develops and executes successful brand experiences. At the core of our renowned success are turn-key field services, enabling agencies to deliver the best in nationwide event staffing, guerrilla marketing services, field support and social media influence.

About Attack! Marketing and Promotions

Attack! Marketing and Promotions
367 9th St., Suite B
San Francisco, CA


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