Atmabhan Is All Set to Launch Its NLP Edge Practitioner Event

A 5 days NLP practitioner program is about to start in Mumbai from 20 January 2016.

The Countdown has begun for the much awaited NLP Practitioner event in Mumbai. Atmabhan Academy, being the sole organizer, is all set to launch the event. This conduct is going to last for 5 days starting from 20 January 2016 to 24 January 2016.

To have structured behavioral changes in one's attitude, a technical tool is very much need of the hour. Neuro Linguistic Programming serves this exact purpose. Unfortunately many people are not aware of NLP training and the wonders it could do.

Atmabhan Academy - Human Excellence Movement - Assured Transformation.

Ashvin Deshpande, Atmabhan

On his experience of attending Atmabhan's NLP events, Dr Sagar Thokade – doctorate in ayurveda, says “I was greatly impressed with the quality of individualized and customized experience provided in the course. I learnt a lot about how to present my case with my clients and how to work towards achieving excellence in life.

At the end of event, being held in mumbai by Atmabhan, participants will be accorded with Certificates that can come handy in lot of ways including career persuasion.