Atlanta Carpet Cleaning Announces Special Promotion After A Wild Coyote Scare in the Region

After several incident reports were submitted by Atlanta residents, stating coyotes harmed or killed area pets, city officials are telling pet owners to keep animals inside.

With numerous Atlanta pet owners keeping their animals inside after an announcement regarding city coyote sightings; Carpet Cleaning Atlanta has announced an offer giving free estimates to pet owners looking to keep their home carpets free of pet stains. City officials have warned Atlanta residents in numerous areas of the city to keep pets inside after several coyote related incidents were reported by pet owners. News stations around the city are promoting the movement to keep animals inside after a local Atlanta, GA news station played a video of one of the coyotes attacking a 30 lb cat in a northwest Atlanta neighborhood.

The announcement sparked the offer from Carpet Cleaning Atlanta for the many pet owners keeping their animals inside until the city coyote issue is resolved. In order to provide affordable and reliable carpet cleaning, the Atlanta carpet cleaning company has announced a free estimate offer for all city pet owners. The Atlanta carpet cleaners hope the offer, paired with recent pet stain cleaning promotions will help make this time more comfortable for pet owners until the city coyote issue has been resolved.

About Carpet Cleaning Atlanta:

Carpet Cleaning Atlanta provides full service carpet cleaning in Atlanta, Ga. The local service provides safe and affordable carpet cleaning services to area customers who want to get ride of dirt, pet stains and other carpet imperfections. The company also provides air duct cleaning Atlanta area customers can rely on. The company's free estimate offer, is designed to provide area customers with fast and affordable carpet cleaning for their Atlanta area homes. The offer is now available to the public and can be found on the company's website.

For more information on Carpet Cleaning Atlanta and their new free estimate offer, visit

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