ASF Report: Modernizing Global Telecom/Banking; the Advent of Voice Checking, Sound Security, and Safe Interest!
Los Angeles, CA, February 2, 2016 ( - The Automobile Safety Foundation (founded 1988) submits the following research report, and recommendations, for the modernization of the financial industry and business telecommunications:
Six of the world's seven billion people have mobile phones. Commuters repeatedly caught in gridlock traffic jams, wouldn't be surprised to hear the fact that there are over a billion vehicles on the road today. Combining these two startling statistics with their constant interplay, leads to the alarming realization that each day much of the world's population make an astronomical volume of cell phone calls while driving!
Personal voice calling is usually just simple one on one conversation, but business calls quite often have second party automation requesting information that requires telephone eye and hand interactions. So what is the most frequently called business? The answer is: banks! Now add to regular banking calls all their divisions: credit card, mortgage, loans, and brokerage lines. OK then compound this bank call rate, by calls to all the other international finance and insurance companies, and it's plain to see, that the financial industry overwhelmingly predominates the world's most frequently called businesses list.
Last year over a million people died in car accidents, and many more were seriously injured! The NHTSA states, “driver distraction is recognized as one of the most common causes of traffic crashes,” and ”distracted driving is a deadly epidemic that has devastating consequences on our nation's roadways."
Though holding the cell phone while driving is against the law in many places and there are warnings about distracted driving, the dangers of texting etc. while driving, nevertheless, the shocking reality exists (derived by high accident rates, and by applying the laws of probability to the extraordinarily vast numbers of cell phones traveling in the great multitude of vehicles daily) distracted driving practices continue to be internationally prevalent, and a "deadly epidemic" that endangers all on the road!
ASF believes, Eyes on the Road/Hands on the Wheel, road concentration, is the key to safe driving (and driving training) as when in practice, driving distractions are negated! See: ASF does not recommend the use of any telecommunication device while driving. ASF does espouse design and usage improvements of the same such telephonic devices, and their phone services that utilize the voice command and identification standard, eliminating the need for eye and hand operatives, in the event, that for any reason, calls are made while driving. So the good news is that some of the same challenges technology has created, technology can help resolve. It is also fortuitous that financial institutions, the most commonly called businesses, along with their government and private regulators, are financially positioned to be socially responsible, and enact across the board, the much needed remedial measures. ASF agrees to continue to work with those that seek to achieve ASF telecom modernization goals that aid safety while improving business efficiency, security, and customer satisfaction!
Maintaining road concentration, eyes on the road/hands on the wheel, is a challenging discipline aided by the reduction of driver distraction temptation. Modern telephone banking is all about voice commands and voice identification (voice biometric technology) that eliminates phone visual interface and prompt distractions requiring the use of hands and eyes. Money Talk, the ASF protocol (formerly called: Express Calling, the modernization of telephone banking and business calling) is based on simple math: add road concentration skill and subtract driver distraction error. The first telephonic remedial should start with voice number dialing: This leads to the next phase of telecom modernization: the all-important voice command that connects the caller to the operator, and or, desired department. Today there are also is a wide array of app calling options:
Since a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first steps, the Automobile Safety Foundation's initial effort started with the idea of improving telecommunications by removing the iron gate greeting of automated prompt protocol, and its time wasting redundancy, that also can encourage texting ATM/SSN etc. numbers while driving! ASF launched a modernization of telephone banking campaign in early 2012 achieving their first success when Chase simplified their automated prompt request allowing "00" to hail a representative. ASF conveyed this achievement to Citi Bank that soon thereafter added voice command and updated their 800 call center system.
With this new telecom precedent in tow, ASF repeatedly contacted most of the largest international banks to consider this important communications advancement, and now there are an ever increasing number of banks implementing voice command service.
Wells Fargo, Citi Bank, Bank of America, Alliant Saving and Loan, and others main 800 banking now have voice command, systems that should be in use by all bank divisions, and the industry standard! ASF warns of the danger of automated systems that though voice activated; make the dangerous mistake of initially requesting ATM card or account numbers! This protocol should be curtailed forthwith, and since voice-activated systems are quite new, it is likely good idea is to include an introductory greeting or brief announcement such as: "Welcome to our (bank) that now features (Money Talk) voice command service. Please state the department you are calling or say, operator or representative for assistance."
Money Talk can also incorporate biometric voice identification that quickly identifies the customer's voice during the telephone call. This feature, the latest hands/eyes free frontier of telecom modernization, also protects personal privacy and security by waiving discussion of personal information that can be overheard in public!
Money Talk the ASF modernization of business telecommunications is indeed underway, and the technology in place, yet despite current voice telecom precedent now in use, inexpensive, and ready for advancement, only some banks and businesses have even geared up basic voice command systems, while continuing to utilize obsolete and hazardous technology requiring the use of hands and eyes.
Years of ASF research played an integral factor in the international telecom modernization that is now underway, and this ASF work now shines a light for major global telecom communications improvement. At this time it may be noted, just as ASF asserts no claim to the invention of the automobile, neither does ASF assert claim to any telecommunications technology that may or may not be currently used while driving. ASF does, however, lay claim and take credit for successful work invested in improving driving and automobile safety, as well as some success (with more planned) in regard to improving telecommunications, and that these improvements are quite often consistent with telecommunications technological innovation and its advancement.
The dramatic merger of cell phones, travel, and evolving technologies present urgent safety, security, and proficiency challenges. For public safety, and global communications progress, ASF submits that government (e.g. and the financial industry take ownership of these urgent challenges and incorporate the ASF Money Talk protocol and research that help address them.
It is indeed miraculous, a potential first in world history that with simple telecom remedial improvements lives can be saved internationally, all day, every day!
Money Talk, the voice of the future is hear today!
Note: ASF maintains that safety should come first, free of charge, or no matter the cost! Government agencies and regulators, industry and business leaders, all know well that important research work has its price. Therefore, per fair business practice, and waiving safety usage charge to all without funding, ASF stipulates that any government agency, business, or organization, that derives or derived, use or influence from any aspect of, ASF, Money Talk (or Express Calling) protocol, ideas, or recommendations, that such named entity pay a fair market research value, by donation or endowment (on par with grant monies paid for college and university research) and also per fair business practice this payment be made either willing, upon use of ASF information, or by decree of regulatory enactment, that should legally require, per necessity, the use of same such information for public safety, as well as fair payment for such privilege. Additionally, ASF is currently offering businesses or organizations a fair market value cooperative agreement, to help ASF achieve, Money Talk, business telecom safety and modernization goals by obtaining contractual agreement from paying participants (ASF also invites public participation and contribution).
All information at is protected under Copyright Law. Copyright and research information available per tax deductible donation or endowment based on fair market value of such information, research, ideas etc. Contact: ASF P.O. Box 12183 La Jolla, CA 92039.
With this ASF special report on the modernization of global telecommunications: ALL world governments, financial and insurance institutions news media et al.