Artificial Solutions Enables Easy Updates To NTT's Japanese Virtual Assistant

Teneo Studio allows non-expert users to update intelligent virtual assistant

Artificial Solutions ( ), the natural language interaction (NLI) specialist that enables users to have a meaningful, humanlike interaction with technology, announced today that Japanese telecom company, NTT has chosen to use Teneo Studio to update, maintain and enhance its intelligent virtual assistant, HiKari Nishino.

Communicating in her native Japanese, HiKari Nishino answers customer queries about NTT's broadband and landline services on the website. With the implementation of Teneo Studio HiKari Nishino's knowledge can now be quickly and easily updated.

Teneo Studio is an easy to use interface that allows non-technical business users to create and maintain their own virtual assistant in amazingly short timescales. Automating complex tasks, Teneo Studio makes constructing dialogues or updating responses as simple as drag and drop, eliminating the need for programming skills.

"Traditional methods of creating and maintaining virtual assistants are inherently complex and time-consuming, often removing the decision processes away from the very people that understand the business," says Andy Peart, CMO of Artificial Solutions. "With Teneo Studio, organizations can give back control to the marketing, operations and customer service teams that often need to update and change content at short notice."

A key figure in the company's marketing campaigns, the online virtual assistant HiKari Nishino is able to help NTT's customers discover the answer to a wide range of topics from choosing the right internet connectivity plan to the prices of landline calls. By enabling NTT to easily keep her answers up to date, Teneo Studio not only enhances the customer experience, but significantly reduces costs over time.