Are Public Schools Teaching Students to Hate America?
Online, July 18, 2012 ( - In his new book, "America's Last Stand?", author David Pimentel asks whether the public schools in America will be the place of the last stand against the enemies of America. In the book, Pimentel discusses whether the textbooks and curriculum are being fair in their presentation of Islamic history in the classroom. Pimentel argues that it is unfair to teach students that America is an imperialistic nation while the lessons present the history of Islam in a completely positive light.
In his book, Pimentel provides examples of how the public schools in America are presenting questionable and sometimes fabricated material rather than verifiable facts. Pimentel also states that despite the protest by some parents, the courts are so far allowing some Islamic religious lessons in the schools. Pimentel further argues that any type of Islamic prayer or practice should not be allowed since other religious material have been banned since 1962.
The author also states that he is disappointed that the current trend in education is to label America racist simply because it practiced slavery in the past. At the same time, no other country or government is criticized for their past or present practice of slavery. Pimentel believes that this trend is likely to continue since even the president does not think that America is an exceptional country. Pimentel argues that America is exceptional not only because it provides and protects freedom but it quickly offers aid to any country that is suffering from a natural disaster, such as the earthquakes that struck Haiti and Japan.
"America's Last Stand?" is available on Barnes and Noble and other online bookstores