ArcusIT Launches The First Leg Of The Channels Partnership Program To Build Relationships With Philippine Businesses In The Cloud

ArcusIT holds its first channels partnership launch to build relationships with business partners and motivate local businesses to use ArcusIT's Cloud products and services.

Arcus IT, premiere provider of Cloud services in the Philippines, held their first leg of the Channels Partnership launch on February 21, 2012 at the National Sports Grill in Makati City. Three notable experts in Cloud services, namely Intel's Pet Syling, ArcusIT's Jannie Gareza, and Jon Alcartado, gave a presentation regarding how partnerships in Cloud solutions would be beneficial to advance Philippine businesses.

The talk was opened by Intel's Pet Syling with a presentation entitled "Leading the Transformation to Open Data Centers and Cloud computing". The discussion centered on how the Cloud has influenced people's personal computing experience, targeting 2015 as a year for Cloud computing to become an essential part of IT solutions in business. ArcusIT's Operation's Manager, Jon Alcartado summarized the present situation of Cloud computing in the Philippines, citing that there are "Cloudy Days" ahead due to data security concerns when it comes to use of Cloud, especially in mission-critical IT services. In spite of this, ArcusIT foresees the expansion of Cloud to be an inter-connected network three to five years from now. This is all considering that the Cloud is a fast growing technology which provides many benefits such as IT efficiency and cost- reduction.

ArcusIT's Jannie Gareza discussed enabling businesses to grow into success by building partnerships in the Cloud. Infrastructure behavior is changing when it comes to Cloud use and it is now more acceptable and practical to outsource IT services. By building partners, ArcusIT hopes to develop Philippine businesses into meeting their goals. The launch was concluded with a testimonial by Megamobile's Bon Sundiang on the efficiency of ArcusIT services and how they benefited from it by availing themselves of ArcusIT Cloud computing services.

ArcusIT is the pioneer Cloud computing provider in the Philippines and up to date on the current trends of Cloud computing for business needs. To know more about ArcusIT products and services email us at