AQuity Opens New Operations Center to Support Record Market Demand for Clinical Documentation Capture and Coding Solutions

Vizag Office Opening

AQuity Solutions today announced the opening of a new 500 seat operations center in Visakhaptnam for Medical Coders and Virtual Medical Scribes. In support of the office opening, AQuity will be meeting with and helping to support local university Health Information Management programs. The Vizag business expansion is driven by AQuity's market-leading growth in the rapidly expanding clinical documentation services market that is estimated to surpass $16 billion in healthcare spend next year. 

"We are excited to announce the opening of our new location in Vizag," said Jason Kolinoski, AQuity Solutions COO. "Our medical coding, virtual scribing, and clinical documentation solutions are experiencing tremendous growth and we are confident our investment here will strengthen our competitive advantage with a steady flow of high-quality skilled local talent."

"We look forward to working with the GITAM, Avanthi Institute, and Vignan Institute Health Information Management programs to create a partnership that benefits everyone involved," added Kashyap Joshi, CEO of AQuity Solutions. "The opening of this new facility in Vizag reflects our dedication and commitment to proactively nurture India-based resources for long-term career opportunities and development. It is an honor and a privilege to launch this office as a first step in expanded relations with the local university programs."

India is the largest human capital resource hub for AQuity Solutions, with a skilled workforce that is proficient in the English language and supported by highly secure IT-enabled operation centers. The company's unique approach of adding clinical value to previously clerical disciplines is helping to expand its market share in the Coding and Virtual Scribing verticals as a more holistic approach to healthcare solutions. 

About AQuity Solutions

Headquartered in Cary, NC, AQuity provides technology-enabled solutions for 21 of the top 25 and over half of the top 250 health systems in the United States. AQuity employs over 7,500 clinical documentation and medical coding professionals across the United States, India, Australia, Canada, and the U.K. With over 45 years of experience in service and technology solutions for healthcare, AQuity is recognized year after year by KLAS and Black Book as a leading vendor in multiple disciplines. AQuity is privately held.

Source: AQuity Solutions