AQuity Beats 12 M in 1 for Medico-Legal Document Preparation

New Independent Medical Examiner support service passes significant single month volume threshold.

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AQuity Solutions passed the 12 Million page volume threshold for Medico-Legal document preparation processing in the single month of February. This marks the first month at this scale, after just formally launching the service line last fall. Medico-Legal document preparation, which involves analyzing, organizing, and indexing complex medical records from multiple sources for review by Independent Medical Examiners IME, is a market traditionally served by in-house legal assistants or small regional services who still commonly deliver paper documents as their end product. AQuity leverages a proprietary platform and dedicated staff of over 350 professionals globally to complete the process electronically, accelerating processing time and reducing costs.

"We're pleased with the rapid growth of this business," noted Regina Buchwald, VP of AQuity's Transcription and Medico-Legal Services divisions. "Although we've done a bit of IME document prep and Medico-Legal transcription for a few traditional healthcare clients over the years, we looked to scale the business in earnest after bringing our technology platform online late last summer. Applying our decades of experience managing high volumes of clinical documentation, we're able to apply our time tested, scaled process approach, and deliver substantial economies of scale. To reach this scale after only six months of dedicated effort is a testament to our operations team and has been rewarded with a very strong sales pipeline for new business."

"It is exciting to see the rapid growth of this service line in a parallel market to our traditional businesses," added Kashyap Joshi, AQuity's CEO. "The current Medico-Legal vendor landscape is very similar to what we saw in the medical transcription market twenty years ago, which at the time was also dominated by local vendors with limited technology. Once our new clients test us as an alternative to their local resources, the flood gates open. We look forward to gaining additional momentum now that the word is out for the quality of our work, how quickly and cost-effectively we can respond, and the value added through electronic delivery. We are fully committed to making this business as strong as our other major service lines and look forward to continued exponential growth."

About Aquity

AQuity Solutions delivers superior clinical and financial results to healthcare provider clients through outsourced services. Headquartered in Cary, NC, Aquity employs over 7,000 clinical documentation specialists throughout the U.S., India, Australia, Canada, and the U.K. for medical transcription, medical coding, virtual scribing, interim management, and medico-legal document preparation services. With over 45 years of experience, the company is recognized by KLAS and Black Book as a leading vendor in multiple disciplines. AQuity is privately held.


Dale Kivi

Senior Director of Communications


Source: AQuity Solutions