App Design Agency Dreamr Doubles Workforce in Just 12 Months

Leading digital design and development agency Dreamr has announced a doubling of its workforce in just 12 months, following a period of rapid expansion at the Manchester-based company as it takes on new local and international clients and creates new jobs in the process.

Leading digital design and development agency Dreamr has announced a doubling of its workforce to 15, following a period of rapid expansion at the Manchester-based company as it takes on new local and international clients and creates new jobs in the process. 

Dreamr's success is due to its expertise and creativity in the area of design and development for The Web, Apps & TV, at a time when rising numbers of companies are expanding their digital presence. That's due to a marked shift in the public's increasing reliance on mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablet computers, to access the web and use everyday services.

"Our expansion is attributed to the fantastic work that our team creates," he said. "In the past six months we have grown and grown, and now with 15 staff, we're currently looking for larger premises to accommodate our growing workforce."

Mylo Kaye, Co-Founder

Additionally, younger generations express a preference for interacting with companies and their products and services, not via websites but mobile apps. This has created an enormous demand among digital design companies to produce quality and highly useful apps that companies use to reach their audiences, and grow. 

Dreamr – founded by Mylo Kaye & Jack Mason in 2014, had just seven staff in 2015 and quickly secured multiple large contracts, one an international water purification company in Sweden. Already this year staff figures are more than double last year, at 15.  

The company attributes its achievements to its geographic location  – by being part of a highly creative community in thriving Manchester, that places an emphasis on unique and innovative design culture. 

Dreamr founder's Mylo Kaye & Jack Mason said the company's expansion as an in-demand digital design agency meant not only were more people being taken on in full-time positions, but the company is currently seeking a larger office to house the expanding number of staff. 

"Our expansion is attributed to the fantastic work that our team creates," he said. "In the past six months we have grown and grown, and now with 15 staff, we're currently looking for larger premises to accommodate our growing workforce."

Among the many apps that Dreamr has designed and developed is one for the world's largest LGBT publications, PinkNews. The app, which delivers specialist news service's, is designed for Apple devices and was launched at the recent PinkNews Awards, attended by Ed Miliband & David Cameron. 


About Dreamr

Dreamr is a digital development and design agency in Manchester. Specialising in design and development of Apps and Websites.

83 Bridge Street
Manchester, Lanc
