Aomori Group | New Ouya Console.

Aomori Group - Ouya Inc will release their $99 self titled home gaming console for general sale in June.

Aomori Group allegedly announced in a recent meeting for investors that Ouya Inc. would release their $99 self-titled home gaming console for general sale at the beginning of the 3rd quarter of this year.

The games console is based on Google's Android operating system with games costing a fraction of what rivals Sony PlayStation and Microsoft's Xbox 360 cost. However the games won't be as highly developed, being similar to games available on mobile devices, so they may well struggle to compete.

Ouya utilized the crowd-funding website Kickstarter to raise the funds necessary for development, becoming one of the website's biggest projects where over 63,000 people backed the project, raising over $8 million in the process. The first devices are now being delivered to the initial backers with the console due to go on general sale to the public in the middle of the year.

Aomori Group reportedly noted that an Ouya spokesperson stated in a interview that they believe the content that they provide, some of which will be exclusive to Ouya, will appeal to both core gamers and the mass market alike. There are 55 games available as of now with much more in the pipeline.

Ouya uses a customized version of the Android operating system, which means that games developed for it will not work on any other Android device. The console also uses off the shelf parts to reduce manufacturing costs, while the case design is to open up easily and be easily upgradeable.

Aomori Group seemed to believe that Ouya would be aggressively pushing the lower cost to the consumer of their console and games. An Ouya spokesperson confirmed that games would either have to be free, have a free trial or have free add on content. Free games typically earn their revenues by selling additional in game features to players.