Anthem Events Discusses Benefits of Company Travel

A contingent from Anthem Events recently returned from a national conference where they attended presentations by industry experts. The firm's director explained that the knowledge gained reflects one of the benefits of company travel.

“We sent select team members to this conference based on milestones they have reached,” noted Liz, Anthem Events’ director. “Everyone came back with a renewed sense of energy and enthusiasm for what we do. They could not wait to share all of the important tips and techniques they learned with the rest of the team. The benefits of company travel are so apparent. There was so much valuable knowledge shared.”

Liz stated that Anthem Events managers readily support company travel opportunities for team members. “Rather than a cost, we view it as an investment,” she said. “There are multiple benefits that can be derived when you’re exposed to a different environment. This is mostly apparent in the knowledge our team members gain.”

"The team also picked up some great techniques to enhance our campaigns as well,"

Liz, Director

“While the conferences have more formalized educational components, such as lectures or work-shops, what really resonates with our team are the networking opportunities,” Liz continued. “They have a chance to make so many new connections or meet people they may have only communicated with online. These are people they can reach out to later as sounding boards or for resources.”

The change of location also spurs innovation, according to Liz. “When you’re out of the office, it’s easier to think creatively,” she noted. “The mind works in mysterious ways. Sometimes, a strange setting will spark an idea that might not otherwise have formed in a more familiar place. There’s also the ad-venture of being somewhere new that really ignites the spirit.”

Anthem Events’ Managers Discuss Lessons Learned From the Conference

The information imparted at the conference was on the topics of both leadership and business growth. “There were many speakers who talked about what it takes to be a leader in today’s business world. They shared their experiences about what works, what doesn’t work, and what people who aspire to develop successful careers must consider,” said Liz. “It was tremendously inspirational.”

“The team also picked up some great techniques to enhance our campaigns as well,” she said. “It’s always helpful when you can learn what other regions are doing. Everyone has such a different approach. It’s wonderful when we can sit down and gain new perspectives from each other.”

“Many of our best practices, strongest connections, and most innovative ideas have been the result of travel,” Liz concluded. “We always get something valuable from these experiences.”

About Anthem Events

Anthem Events is a dynamic consulting and marketing services firm dedicated to offering customized representation to clients seeking to expand into novel markets. Their team of highly-skilled marketing specialists has the talent and instinct to produce interactive on-site promotions that get results. Based on careful in-depth market research and consumer analysis, their campaigns generate significant brand awareness and growth, raise revenues, and maximize their clients’ return on investment. Their reputation for excellence has allowed them to serve a diverse portfolio of businesses, from start-ups to Fortune 500 companies.