Announcing "Dark Winter: How the Sun is Causing a 30-Year Cold Spell" by NASA insider John L. Casey

Humanix Books is proud to announce the availability of John L. Casey's "Dark Winter: How the Sun is causing a 30-Year Cold Spell" — A captivating scientific look at changes to our global climate.

Climate change has been a volatile issue for years, even among leading scientists and researchers from other disciplines. In Dark Winter, author John L. Casey, a former White House national space policy advisor and space shuttle engineer, tells the truth about ominous changes taking place in the climate and the Sun.

Casey’s research into the Sun’s activity, which began almost a decade ago, resulted in the discovery of a solar cycle that is now re­versing from its global warming phase to that of dangerous global cooling for the next thirty years or more. This new cold climate will dramatically impact the world’s citizens. In Dark Winter, he provides evidence of the following:

"The history of science is filled with examples of individuals with new ideas being met by the current scientific establishment not with enthusiasm, but rather with disregard and some times, even ridicule like Louis Agassiz with glaciation and Alfred Wegener with continental drift. This also applies to the book "Dark Winter" by John Casey. This book represents a fascinating read, and the potential consequences outlined are no less far ranging."

Dr. Ole Humlum, Professor of Physical Geography, University of Oslo, Norway

  • The end of global warming
  • The beginning of a “solar hibernation,” a historic reduction in the energy output of the Sun
  •  A long-term drop in the Earth’s temperatures      
  • The start of the next climate change to decades of dangerously cold weather
  • The high probability of record earthquakes and volcanic eruptions

 A sobering look at the Earth’s future, Dark Winter predicts world­wide, crop-destroying cold; food shortages and riots in the United States and abroad; significant global loss of life; and social, political, and economic upheaval.

About the Author:

John L. Casey has served his country, science, and high technology industries for over thir­ty-five years. He has been a national space policy advisor to the White House and Con­gress, a space shuttle engineer, consultant to NASA Headquarters, and consultant to or president of several leading-edge technology start-ups. He is currently the President of the Space and Science Research Corporation (SSRC), a leading, independent research organization in Orlando, Florida, USA. The SSRC specializes in the science and plan­ning for the next climate change to decades of cold weather, including its predicted concurrent ill-effects of record earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. The SSRC is the pri­mary US advocate for national and global preparedness for this next cold-climate era.

About the Publisher:

Dark Winter:  How the Sun is Causing a 30-Year Cold Spell is published by Humanix Books; Hardcover ISBN 9781630060350 retails in hardcover for $24.95, and eBook ISBN 9781630060237 retails for $12.95. Pub. Date is August 19th, 2014. Available through  Midpoint Trade, , Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and major independent book stores.