"Angel Gabriel - A True Story" Translated Into Portuguese
Online, October 29, 2013 (Newswire.com) - Angel Gabriel, the true story in the aftermath of Comair crash 3272, was penned by Michigan resident Joy LaPlante and released in e-book format earlier this summer. The amazing story, which recounts LaPlante's experiences following that aviation crash, has now been translated into Portuguese.
LaPlante was approached by a reader of her book who was so taken by the story that she offered to translate the work into her native language.
"I sent an email to Joy saying that I was willing to translate her story into the Portuguese language free of charge," explained translator Isabel L. Soares. "I did this because I knew in my heart that she was genuine, that she was not doing this for the money and because her main reason to write this story was to bring hope, joy and peace to people's hearts."
"I do not follow any religion, but so what?" continued Soares. "I believe there is only one God, the God that was willing to once again answer my prayers and to help me bring healing to all those whose life I touch daily."
The true story of Angel Gabriel (or Anjo Gabriel in Portuguese) begins on January 9, 1997. LaPlante's book tells about the events following the only major, commercial airline crash in the United States in 1997. Originally written and self-published in 1999 by author Joy LaPlante, "Angel Gabriel - A True Story" was picked up by publishing house All Star Press, updated, and re-released in all e-book formats.
"When I wrote the book, I just sat down and wrote it," explained Joy. "I just told the story of my experience with the Angel Gabriel. I never thought in a million years I would write a book and become a published author. It is just something that happened. I am just a simple woman who told my story, in my own words, to help spread the message."
The Portuguese edition of "Angel Gabriel - A True Story" is titled "Anjo Gabriel - Uma Historia Real" and is available only through the Kindle store from leading retailer Amazon.com. The book includes the English version as a bonus and is offered at the introductory price of only $3.47.