An Effective Long Term SEO Strategy; and Common Practices to Increase the Conversion Rate

Long Term SEO Strategy; and Common Practices to Increase the Conversion Rate of a Website

Major search engines such as Google; regularly make changes and updates to their search results ranking algorithms.

As such; it is always a good practice to have an effective long SEO strategy at hand; to avoid SEO related penalties from filters such as Panda, Penguin and Hummingbird when changes and updates are made.

It is very difficult for webmasters to predict new updates and changes to be made on these search filters; it is therefore advisable to stay on the safe side of SEO all the time.

However; for beginners in Search Engine Optimization; starting with the basics of search engine optimization before beginning to work on advanced SEO tactics is recommended.

Long Term SEO Strategy

1. Web Designing and Development

The design of your website should be fully optimized for the search engines and humans; a good website design should significantly improve organic search rankings; and site's usability for a high conversion rate.

Search engines evaluate the quality of content on the site's landing pages before ranking them; site's with poor landing pages don't show-up more often in the search engine results page; and improving your site's landing pages has a significant impact on the site or web page rankings.

On the other hand; you need to get more leads for your site: A site usability can be achieved easily by optimizing a website for human readers.

Just because your site is doing well in the search engine results page; doesn't guarantee that you will get a high web traffic to your website.

Ensure that you use on-page SEO techniques on your website. On the other hand; make use of best call-to-action practices so that your readers are directed to take expected action once they get to your site.

Also; ensure that your website is responsive; so that it can re-size to fit into the screens of all the devices your visitor might use to access your website such as desktops, tablets, and smartphones.

2. Content Creation

An effective content creation and marketing strategy is the basic and foundation of search engine optimization.

According major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing; original and quality content is king. Before creating your content; you need to do sufficient keyword research; which will guarantee a high page rank in the search engine results page.

On the other hand; you need to practice an extreme content marketing on various content marketing platforms such as social media sites, guest blogging sites, content submission or social bookmarking sites and more.

Since it is only possible to create unique and quality content on a regular basis through a blog; ensure that you practice and develop effective blogging skills that will assist you to create search engine and human optimized content.

3. Social Media Marketing

Incorporating social media marketing as part of an internet marketing strategy has a significant impact on the return on investment of any online business.

You need to develop an effective social media marketing strategy that will guarantee higher returns; while still growing your social following online.

Make good use of major social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+ to build your business's reputation online. To add on top; Google+ is a very useful social platform as it was built with SEO in mind, and it regularly shows up when local searches are made on a given product or service: Individuals who use this social profile to market their products and services always get positive results by receiving web traffic originating from this social platform.

On the other hand; making a regular high quality content posting to your social media platforms will make your brand go viral, as people will always share out good contents.

Besides; search engines today show Social media profiles with great content in their search engine results page, and you can benefit significantly by practicing social medial marketing.

4. Mobile Search Engine Optimization

Mobile marketing industry is significantly growing; as the internet users using mobile and other hand-held devices to access information from the internet are increasing.

This shows that the future of mobile marketing is great; consequently, ensure that your website is fully optimized for mobile users.

This can be achieved by designing a responsive site; that can easily re-size to fit on the screens of small devices such smart phones and tablets.

On the other hand; ensure that you notify big search engines such as Google and Yahoo about the mobile version of your website; so that their web-crawlers can index and optimize it for mobile users.

If you are using a Content Management System such as WordPress; make sure you use themes that are responsive and can re-size to fit hand-held devices.

Common Practices to Boost Site's Conversion Rate

5. Products and Services Review

The majority of online buyers look for product recommendations and testimonials from the customers who have used the product.

Include social proof by adding your customer's testimonials about your product or service: On the other hand; you can include detailed and engaging case studies on your website, so that potential customers can get more insight about your services.

Testimonials and case-studies will make your visitors be confident in the quality of your product; and consequently take appropriate actions.

6. Give Longer Product Guarantees

Offering guaranties to buyers always have a significant impact on the conversion rate of all businesses; whether they are managed online or offline.

On the other hand; longer period guaranties attract more buyers since they will be confident spending on products with longer guarantee period due to lower risks of losses.

7. Add Clear Contact Details

Since online buyers have no other means of finding more details about a product; including your contact details such as telephone or cell phone numbers will enable them to reach your customer care very easily to find more information about the product.

8. Credibility from Recognized Business Bureau

If your product has a trust seal from a recognized business bureau; include it in your product reviews to gain more trust from online customers.

Most online customers are always very concerned with the quality of the products and services they buy online; take this advantage and convert more customers to take necessary actions.

9. Quick Conversion Process

Your conversion process should be faster; so that your visitors are not sent away by long and demanding conversion processes.

If it is purchasing a product; make the cash-out process as simple as possible. On the other hand; if it is downloading a product, or filling a form; make the whole process as short as possible, so that visitors take the shortest time possible.

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