"An Easy Guide to The End Times" Foretells Current Global Troubles And Calls Christians To Prepare For The End In Its Prescient Launch
Online, April 19, 2013 (Newswire.com) - God's Big Plan for Your Life, a leading voice in Christian discipleship training, today announced the launch of "An Easy Guide to The End Times: The Lost Treasure of Bible Prophecy" by Pastor Jonathan Fiddy of Ignite Ministries.
Fiddy's new work, an easy read guide to the End Times was written to simplify the complex theology surrounding this vital aspect of Christian teaching which is more relevant than ever in such turbulent times.
Packed with easily proven facts concerning issues such as the soon coming global money crash, emerging One World Government, the Rapture and Armageddon, its simplified format is designed to help Christians rapidly absorb key facts, and therefore be fully prepared for the treacherous times we are now entering.
"An Easy Guide to The End Times: The Lost Treasure of Bible Prophecy" is now available for purchase online as of April 12, 2013, at http://godsbigplanforyourlife.com and at Amazon.com.
"With China moving armies up to the border of North Korea as we speak, the blatant plundering of depositors' savings accounts in Cypriot banks and huge government deficits running into trillions, we're closer than ever to the introduction of a New World Order. Where Fiddy's book scores, is that he makes the complex subject of the End Times easily understandable for everyone, not just theologians, so the facts he presents are never forgotten," says David Alston, founder of God's Big Plan for Your Life.
As Bible prophecy flashes across our screens in almost every TV newscast it seems, Alston advises, "If you need a solid foundation to understand this crucial topic fast, and that won't bamboozle you, I recommend An Easy Guide to the End Times."
More About God's Big Plan for Your Life
Founded in 2011, God's Big Plan for Your Life has helped thousands understand the deeper reasons they were born and reveal why Christian discipleship is essential to achieving healing and fulfilling one's destiny. The company's mission statement is "To set people free and walk more closely with Jesus in wholeness, liberty and holiness."
To learn about God's Big Plan for Your Life call 0843 523 6572 or visit http://godsbigplanforyourlife.com/
To speak with Pastor Jonathan Fiddy call 07952 560 679 or visit http://www.igniteministries.co.uk/
God's Big Plan for Your Life: 745 Cameron House, White Cross, South Road, Lancaster, Lancashire LA1 4XF UK. Phone: +44 843 523 6572 Website: http://godsbigplanforyourlife.com/
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