Ampersand Associates Holds Office Competition

​​Ampersand Associates’ Director of Operations detailed an office competition with a premium reward. She also highlighted a few ways contests can build a more successful team.

A wide range of incentives keep Team Ampersand Associates working toward their goals. Travel events are perhaps the most inspiring of these incentives, and there is an exotic one currently up for grabs. Jessica, the firm’s Director of Operations, explained, “Our people are competing to earn raffle tickets. The raffle is for an exotic getaway to Punta Cana, Mexico, which has all our associates fired up and doing their best work.” 

"Traveling, especially out of the country, encourages professionals to develop their flexibility. "

Jessica, Director of Operations

There are many ways team members can earn tickets for the raffle. Jessica stated, “To receive a ticket, our people can achieve personal goals, help out with team nights, or even win awards such as best-dressed associate. There are so many ways to earn extra chances to win this exciting trip, which has really sparked our team members’ competitive spirits.” 

The trip to Punta Cana promises plenty of time for relaxation, but it will also provide some networking opportunities. “Whoever attends this getaway will be able to come back to the Ampersand Associates office with a refreshed mind and body,” the Director remarked. “Not only that, but they should also be able to come back with a longer list of helpful business contacts.” 

Jessica also appreciates how business travel boosts adaptability. “You have to be able to adjust to changing circumstances in our industry,” she noted. “Traveling, especially out of the country, encourages professionals to develop their flexibility. Whether it’s a last-minute change with your flight, accommodations, or event itinerary, you have to be on your toes when on the road. Our people always seem to come back to work better prepared to deal with unexpected situations.” 

Ampersand Associates’ Director on the Team-Strengthening Value of Competition

The Director has seen the positive outcomes of competition throughout the Ampersand Associates workspace. She commented, “Rather than work to outdo each other, office contests seem to boost collaboration among our team members. This extends to big projects well after each competition is finished.” 

Having something like the Punta Cana trip to work toward also enhances people’s ability to achieve goals. “Our team members have become adept at tracking their progress thanks to contests like the one going on now,” Jessica said. “After the raffle takes place and someone is on their way to Mexico, I have no doubt that our people will continue setting clear goals and working with discipline to reach them.”

About Ampersand Associates

Ampersand Associates is a recognized leader in the marketing and consulting services field. It’s known for making product promotion a riveting experience. Through dynamic outreach campaigns, the firm’s team members capture buyer attention and forge bonds that last. People can’t help but spread the word about the brand messages they receive from the firm’s promotional specialists. Ampersand Associates’ methods consistently establish businesses in new markets. With training and coaching programs that equip every individual with the knowledge and skills to excel, there are no limits to what they can accomplish. Learn more at​
