American Voters United can make a difference

A group of Associates setting around talking about what the Politicians are doing to our Great Country and feeling helpless came up with the idea for American Voters For Truth. We decided to try to unite American Voters and make a difference.

American Voters...Where do you think the money is coming from? Do these politicians live in the same economic world that we live in? They are spending our money which forces us to budget tighter and live on less while giving themselves raises. In my opinion, our Government should make life better for it's citizens even if they, the Politicians, have to sacrifice. Would a budget that spends only what we can afford be asking too much? Apparently it is with our out of control Congress. Where will we be, at this rate of spending, in another five years? It would seem possible that the 560 or so Politicians as well as a select few could be the only ones in this Country with money or property and the rest of us, the majority, the American Voters, will be working for the government and foreign countries to pay the debt. Our debt that they put on us, not themselves.
Help us make a change that will make a positive difference. Join and support American Voters For Truth and be a part of bringing our Congress back to reality. Our Government was formed by the people for the people not for a few to become Dictators. We must unite as Voters if we hope to bring about any real change. Our Vote is the only thing we have that they cannot take from us. Join and help fund this peaceful movement to get Accountability and Representation back where it belongs. Congress was designed to Represent us and be Accountable to us not Special Interest Groups. Come join us at and be part of this movement. We cannot do it without you and you cannot do it without everyone else. Your Vote can make a difference.