Alpha Events, Inc. Team Took Quarterly Conference by Storm

The Alpha Events, Inc. team recently returned from a quarterly leadership conference in Texas. Maxwell, the company's Director of Operations, stated that his associates used their networking skills to get the most out of the trip.

​Business travel presents opportunities for both the individual and the organization to benefit. The Alpha Events, Inc. associates regularly have opportunities to attend conferences and industry meetings as well as head out on road campaigns. Maxwell stated that their most recent event demonstrated how effective his team has become at leveraging travel.

“As soon as we arrived in Texas, my team members were busy networking,” he said. “They know that these trips are excellent ways to meet colleagues from other offices, representatives of brands to work with, and even prospective hires. By always being ready to network, we are able to maximize both personal and team results.”

"Travel can be much more enjoyable if you take a few precautions to reduce potential issues,"

Maxwell , Director of Operations

He added that the quarterly conference included talks and workshops held by some of the most prominent individuals in the industry. Maxwell indicated that these sessions were excellent opportunities for his team to learn from some of the best and brightest in the field. They also had plenty of time to share ideas and strategies they had implemented at Alpha Events, Inc.

Alpha Events, Inc.’s Director of Operations Shares Tricks for Making the Most of Travel

Maxwell revealed some of the tricks that the Alpha Events, Inc. team uses to get as much out of business travel as possible. For example, he recommended preparing carefully for each trip by double checking the name on the tickets, packing lightly but carefully, and marking bags to make them easy to spot.

“Travel can be much more enjoyable if you take a few precautions to reduce potential issues,” he asserted. “I tell everyone that they should completely avoid the seat pocket on airplanes. I know so many people who have left tickets, books, and even phones in them. Additionally, I strongly recommend bringing work that doesn’t require a laptop or a physical book to read. This will make waiting more tolerable.”

He continued to recommend only checking a bag if absolutely necessary. According to Maxwell, carry-on luggage is not only more convenient, but it also offers the flexibility to change flights at will. He also revealed a few secrets to getting through the airport quicker.

“One of my favorite tricks is to find a hotel with a security gate. There’s usually almost no line,” he said. “Also, getting picked up at the departure gate means significantly less traffic. If I ever have to call the airline, I always select Spanish. The wait times are much shorter and the representatives normally also speak English. These little hacks can make travel so much smoother.”